Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly Monday News

Chemo #1 starts today. 
Thank you for all the notes of encouragement and prayers already...

I'm super anxious, but feel really good. Slept decently. 

My chemo bag is all packed up and ready to go!

Prayer for good numbers, no reactions (we think I'm allergic to cortisone so asking dr to not give it with meds) and that my list of supplements are approved. Doing a ton "behind the scenes" that I want to know is working. Tumor markers to have fallen significantly in 3 weeks time. There is probably more I'm forgetting. Oh, that skip isn't getting sick. His throat has been bugging him since he changed the filters in the attic and he sounds bad now. Pray for the kids that they don't pick up any of the big ones. Strep, flu, virus, etc. we have a decontamination area at the front door and using OnGard which we all gagged over this morning but hear it works. 

I'll keep updating here today! Have a blessed week. Love you allllllll dearly. Even those I don't know.

Erin accessed my port and said I'd be seeing the PA and I flipped out. "I don't want to see her I want to see my doctor. She says stupid things." Yep. Angry, emotional me on prednisone and Keppra!! Whoop! I'm trying to stay positive and laugh, helping.

Okay so I had to see her anyway and I apologized in advance - though I really am not in love with her. So, I got all my questions answered and she was cool with alternative meds but encouraged me to stay on chemo if my tumor markers plummeted. (I'm thinking in my head if we start with a tumor marker which will come back in two days of 20, I think it would take an act of God for me to continue chemo) Apparently I am NOT getting cortisone today AND it was hydrocortisone in the past so my theory of being allergic to cortisone is wrong. Just the darn Depocyte. Fab! So we already know I'm NOT allergic to that drug so I'm a little more positive that I won't have a crazy reaction.

Happy thoughts. 

Found us a chair and now waiting to get all my premeds. Everyone is SO nice and SO understanding of my psychoness. Even Skip! Lol 💗 waiting.... Be back later!

I do want to say, and have went back to often since, I had a pretty intense, relaxing prayer/meditation with God this morning (we were even running late and I didn't care kind of relaxed) and the one word he gave me was HOPE. So #findinghope as always. #staypositive #miraclesdohappen

Trying hard! Thank you for all the prayers, positive vibes, hugs and kisses!

Fluid dripping, Ativan in, Benadryl dripping. Think they've decided enough is enough of this lady.

Holy smokes!! I just slept through my entire treatment!!!! I'm elated. Pass me out is the way to go when she is prednisone crazy!! Oh I so pray this round of new chemo doesn't give harsh effects! I had lunch for Skip. Poor guy!

Apparently my port gave them unhappy moments off and on but overall good. I feel GOOD! 

Buhahahahha skips thinking face was covering the 27 minutes left face!! Lol
Now it says done!!!!!

Finished out the day STRONG. We were able to seriously enjoy the evening with a little backyard ball because of two previous souls. A dinner fixer of tacos because we are all half taco, and a picker-upper. I wish I had a before and after picture. Bliss. Pure bliss and a little easier breathing for sure. Thank you.

Unbelievable but I feel awesome. At one point today, old normal! Pretty crazy. Got my juicer friend going to ridiculous lengths to keep us healthy and my potion maker keeping us safe, along with my last second sitter as we forgot about Alana!

Tomorrow we have another adventure planned that we can check off the bucket list but I can't say what... My kids are stoked because they get to miss school and meet Dr. Dunbar my nueroncologist too!

I'm feeling good and praying for sleep and no side effects and energy for tomorrow!!! Eek. I'll blog when I get the green light. 

I know, don't let the suspense ruin your day! Promise to share. 

XO thank you EVERYONE. Mega mega mega prayers from mega mega mega awesome souls. Still our number one most favorite gift. 

Such a beautiful evening with the kids and I was even good at volleyball again! It's the little things!!!


  1. Praying that you all stay healthy and well during the chemo. Praying for strength for you as you begin chemo. Lots of prayers being sent up for you.

  2. On my mind and in my heart and constantly in talks with Him about you and your fam. Love you so much 💕

  3. Praying constantly! Sending you all my strength to add to your amazing strength you already have!
    Will say extra prayers your family stays healthy too!!!

  4. I just love ya'll. sending so many prayers.. My heart is always with you... xoxoxo
