Saturday, August 31, 2013

Half Way Through...

So I haven't been able to blog since my last round of chemo. I wrote about a paragraph and I read it back to myself 3 times and it didn't make any sense, so I decided to wait until I was feeling better to try again. Let me see if I can remember now...

I ended up feeling fine all the way through Friday night. That is when I realized I was coming down with a cold. Congestion, runny nose, head ache, I was not very accepting. We woke up Saturday morning and I knew the next few days could be hard so I was bound and determined to spend the spring-like day at the park. I managed 4 miles over I think probably 2 hours, had a picnic and laid in the shade under a tree watching the dog and the kids and skip go around and around. It was really good, but I realized how sick i was when we got back into the car. We headed home and lucky for me, the fever was only 100.7. Bad news is, that is a call to Emory.

I had a doctor call me, a prescription called in and picked up all within an hour and a half or so. I did find it very funny, our conversation. The doctor went through and asked me questions and finally he says, "So you have two options. One you can go to the ER. Two I can call you in an antibiotic." I was like, huh? Would anyone actually choose one?? How could that even be a choice! lol. I said, um, yes, I'll take the antibiotic please. Still makes me laugh! I had 6 hours to get rid of the fever or I would HAVE to go to ER and with meds and the power of prayer, it was gone in less than three and NEVER returned. Pretty sweet!

The next few days were a fog. I slept A LOT. The bone pain came and went, but I think the combination of claritin and advil worked wonders for it. I think I may have had a couple of rough hours, so huge blessing. I also did not have the stomach upset I had last time, honestly partly because I could not smell nor taste food for about 4 days! Unfortunately the day my nose cleared I cooked a pot of oatmeal that ended up making me nauseated for about two days. There is something about a crock pot - smells like crock-pot chicken (a pregnancy nightmare making me still gag today) and it lingers into every room. ew. Next subject.

I had a bad idea about taking a bath. I forget my hair is still falling out as it's so short. Well, it was everyyyyywhere. I took a picture, but it didn't do it justice. I can't even describe it but I was surprised to have any left when I dried off! lol. So for now, no baths! It did however inspire me to try to clean the bathroom and at 11 weeks post op, I was able to successfully complete the task. And wow, did it feel GOOD! :D

We were very blessed with meals this week. I think we had dinner brought to us or ordered through a gift card every night this week. We are so grateful for all of the friends and family who are just bringing us as close to a normal life as possible. Skip had a LONG work week and a lot of long commuting. Thankfully we had my mom stay one night and maggie for two more. To have loving family so close has been the sweetest thing, and wish dearly they were even closer, or we weren't so far!

I had some amazing bible study days this week also. A lot of joy filled scripture and great empowerment to endure the sickness. It was definitely needed this week and it seemed like every time I opened up the word, God was giving me exactly what I needed for the day. I did get a little upset at my kids one night and felt bad. I had not yelled in a while. My tolerance was zero and after 10pm on a school night hearing two people cry about whether the night light stays on or off, yep, mommy let loose. But hey, you know what? They went to bed! Sometimes we all need a little discipline and mine know exactly when mommy is serious.

Speaking of the girls, they have been okay with me having no hat this week, and I'm getting used to it too. Skip seems to get caught of guard by it as much as I do, but I think overall it's being accepted into the house as the new norm. It's really funny walking by and catching a glimpse of your reflection and startling yourself. Seriously. I even did it putting something into the microwave the other day! I took a double take and just shook my head! Weird bald lady in my house!

I finally ordered my wig thanks to some awesome people at Ping's Salon. They not only shaved my head making it fun, but they raised money for me to buy a wig. I'm forever grateful for their friendships and love and for always always making me and my girls feel special and pretty. I ordered the long one on facebook that looked most like my hair and the decision made madison SO happy.

Yesterday was FINALLY a make-up day. And yes, I have a sweet friend who almost daily texted me, is it a make-up day yet?? She knows me pretty well... It was actually a really nice day. I probably over did it some, but I wasn't caring too much. After what, almost 8 days of barely leaving the house, it was time! lol.

Well, today is Saturday and I do feel "normal". I have a lingering cough but I think I'm on the road to recovery. Fingers crossed! I'm officially 50% finished today if I include the three weeks after the last round of chemo. That's pretty cool. I'm on a "7-11 energy / 12-4 low energy / 5-9 energy / after 9 crash" cycle again. So I'm making sure I listen to my body and schedule things accordingly. It's been a particularly lovely day with my Madison. We are working on a science project and she caught up on some reading.

All is right, all is good.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Angels Are Real

There were SO many crazy things that happened yesterday, let me see if I can remember them all...

My lovely day started out with some wonderful friends and family at breakfast at Cracker Barrel. For those that don't know, my grandfather passed away a year ago this past May and we used to eat at CB alllllll the time. We even had a pretty regular table AND waitress. I guess I wasn't really thinking, but I chose where we would eat! They sit us at our regular table first. It was a little weird... I have to be honest. Then the waitress came over and told us how much we had missed her and asked about our girls. Wow. I could barely answer her... then I realized, wow, I think grandpa MAY have something to do with this ;) hehe. We had an awesome time overall and it was so great to catch up with old friends...

After that I remembered my good old litocaine cream and patched that stuff on so when my favorite port nurse popped it in, there was once again nada thing! Woohoo! I love that little Lovie! Especially later on when I watched this guy get poked ALL over. Totally not cool. And he's been doing this for FOUR YEARS! Say what?!?!!!

Anyway, back to floor 2 at Emory. So one of my complaints, or better yet just something nagging me was the fact that my oncologist always has her nurse practitioner come in prior to her to look me over. Then relays the information and THEN she comes in. I pick my doctors because I want THAT doctor and I felt led to "hire" then so to speak. I had even mentioned it to doctor Barber the other day. (one of my most favorite doctors in the world - and he says I'm his favorite patient. hehe) So, the girl last time mashed on me so hard that I hurt the next day. Not today, because Dr. O'Reagan came in all by herself and we had THE BEST TALK. I had SO many issues last time and we went through each one and have a game plan for this round. She agrees it's got to get better! I'm kind of excited to see how this goes! Once I get to next Monday, I will officially be half way through!

After the great visit with my oncologist (and again, the FIRST time I've ever just seen her - maybe someone is watching???) I went down for the infusion. We waited a REALLY long time but when the guy came out, he didn't call me by name he walked up to me and said we're ready for you. HUH??? How do you know who I am? This waiting room is PACKED! lol. Weird. So anyway, we went back to the same "bay" and it was decorated with snowflakes and a snow theme. Apparently it is Cruise Week (my grandparents LOVED to cruise) and I got Alaska. Now listen, hospitals are cold, but the infusion room is by far an ice box. So seriously?! Alaska?!! lol. Everyone had palm trees! We sat down and one of the snowflakes above us fell. Me and Amy just giggled then the nurse came up and saw my birthday and said, "Oh! Mine is the 19th!" I almost cried. That was gpas birthday. Really, then we had no doubt, we were sure grandpa was keeping an eye out for me... :')

Overall it was an easy peasay lemon squeezy infusion. We had to wait a lot because of labs and some mix up with the order, but we had another fun bay. I saw my friend Buffy again and we are totally scheduling them at the same time again in three weeks! HAHA! She's a cutie. I also sat in front of a four year brain tumor survivor. Wow is all. Super fun guy with 6 children and an amazing wife who you could tell was just madly in love with her man and never ever leaves his side. It was precious. 

We drove home through a monsoon, I even got flood video, and went to Pure for dinner. (Figured if I was going to be ill, I'd get a yummy "last meal") It was awesome. Skip met us and then we met two new amazing friends! We had THE BEST TIME. It was so nice to sit outside after being inside all day and just laugh until our cheeks hurt. Such an beautiful time...

This morning I lost at least another quarter of my hair and it's up in pig tails until it goes tonight! We had to reschedule as Madison was taking it really hard for the first time since the diagnosis. So pray we have an easy time tonight, lots of laughs and that no one is scared. Pray the kids can handle the change, I know it's hard for them. I can't make them okay with it, only God can protect their hearts <3

Off I go! I've gotta get the girls lunch! We were out of lunch meat!! AH! haha! I feel SUPER awesome today and hope I can keep up the energy! 20 minutes of excersize a day keeps the blood counts good and lots of protein! Love to all who read this! MUAH!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

H.O.W. Can I Ever Be The Same

Tomorrow will be 10 weeks since my surgery! What a journey!

I wrote a bunch this morning, trying to catch up, and had yet to post it, but I have to write about what tonight meant to me first...

H.O.W. is an organization called Helping One Woman. Each month a woman going through a tough time is nominated and loved on at a girls night dinner at Cherokee Cattle Company. There are several chapters and they all meet at the same time on the same night! Each woman brings $10 for the woman honored and all the money is raised for her as a beautiful blessing. Tonight that recipient was me. 

It is nearly impossible to put all of my feelings into words. God sent a group of truly amazing women to eat alongside us tonight. My mom, aunt, grandmother and dear friends all came. Staff, bible study friends, people I didn't even know... All came to honor... me... My family. I'm sorry, but that can only be a God thing. He has taught me so many things through my battles with cancer. First it was  love. Second it was leadership. This time it is learning how to slow down and identifying what true joy is. I believe a God given joy is spiritual. It is not something you can conjure up and make happen. I was diagnosed with cancer and my response was joy. I woke up from surgery and there it wa again, joy. I faced some of the hardest most painful days and nights of my life, he sent me joy. Tonight, it showed up again... Joy.

 I received notes and hugs and smiles that were beyond anything this world could ever give. A joy resonates in my heart tonight, a sweet song, one that creates tears of joy, peace and a smile. Joy is a positive feeling, almost a childlike contentment and a fullness of your soul. It's something that I know I would've never found had I never faced this storm... Not something we will always choose, but i am living proof that if we search for the positive, we will find it. We will make it through. We will eventually know why, even if not in this life... God is my strength, and he's topped it with a little joy. I'll never be able to tell each person how their presence changed me tonight. There's a part of my heart that is forever changed and thank you will never ever be enough. 

...the following is what I started writing this morning... 

This weekend my hair began falling out but starting yesterday it REALLY started falling out. Wow! I woke up and my pillow was covered in hair. Then I worked for a couple of hours and when I got up hair was everywhere! I then decided I should probably put my hat back on. I took a shower last night and there was so much hair it covered the drain! Then I had to clean out my hairbrush twice. I've decided it's time to shave my head so I'm heading to Pings Salon tomorrow night! Can't wait. I don't really care, it's kind of interesting how it all just happens at once, but at this point it's just messy and sticks to everything.  I'm not even sure how to get it all out of my hat. I know, I can just turn it inside out and it'll be a wig! Lol

On a different note, I rode 43 minutes on the trainer yesterday! The first time I've had my heart rate up (we did some intervals) and the longest I've pedaled since surgery. Let me just say, it was AWESOME. I have to say other than the losing of hair and the sporadic random pain somewhere and numbness, I'm back to normal! I know it's the calm before the storm, but I think I am actually ready! At one point, sicker than I've ever been I just yelled and laughed "bring it on! I've got God on my side! Lets go!" 

Now I'm feeling good, I'm ready... Lets do this! 

Friday, August 16, 2013


I am definitely on the "up!" I feel about 90% back to normal! Maybe more :) I rode my bike for the first time! 4.5 miles!! I have volunteered at the school for Alana's teacher TWICE! I went SHOPPING at Kohls AND Target today! I even rode the trainer for 15 minutes, but my legs were toast after my little bike adventure and mile walk yesterday! I went grocery shopping and I've done a TON of work, trying to catch up and get a little ahead before the next round-o-chemo. I did discover yet another positive today! Ready? I don't have to shave!! HAHA! I went to shave my legs and was like, huh, it didn't grow! And my underarms! Nada! lol. I think possibly maybe my hair was falling out a little more than normal today, but I didn't really tug on it to see either! It had been shedding less than when I had long hair up until today... yay for short, healthy hair!I also had a few other firsts: I could fluff the sheets (like when you swoosh them in the air to straighten them out!), I carried in my own groceries, and I was able to wipe down the counters! Big week! I also had no stomach issues and no food adversions. I ate my first salad and it was YUMMY. The only think tasting funny now is anything sour and dips with ships or crackers. All taste super weird...

I'm so ready for the weekend! I really wish it were not going to rain. I'm loving the cool air and would love to do something SUPER fun with the family while I have good energy... not really sure what that is yet, but I'm sure we will figure out something! I want to thank everyone reading for all the continued support. I know by next weekend I will be feeling like caca again, but to feel THIS good right now is so wonderful and so amazing... All my love! Muah!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Adventures in Atlanta Plastic Surgery

Today I am feeling wonderful. I got ready, did my hair and make-up and felt oddly "normal." I made it right on time to the doctors office and the rapid strep test was negative. They are sending it for a culture, but went ahead and started me on antibiotics to just be sure I don't pick up strep from the lanaberry. I actually had never met this doctor and I really, really like her... I may have to cheat on Dr. Williams every once in a while! HAHA!

I also had my check up with Dr. Namnoum today. And like the title says, it is ALWAYS an adventure and I always get a good laugh and leave with a smile. When Dr. N came in he saw my hair chopped and asked, "What did you do to your hair?" And because his face was all red I had to ask, "What did you do to your face!??" (Apparently he was bored and was lazering some spots away. lol) He messed with my hair and was making ehhh sounds. It makes me laugh, because he is just one of those people who is blatantly honest. He asked about chemo and I told him how awful it was and how I had bone pain. Well he went into this OCD mode where he HAD to figure out why Taxol actually CAUSES bone pain. So when I was leaving he pulled me aside to their computers and I'm watching him google and learn. He was getting really frustrated that it wasn't telling him what he wanted to now and I'm sorry, but it was really funny. I wondered if there were any other patients  at this point. I was pretty sure there were about 5 nurses hanging around and were all quiet until sweet Cindy came out! She's his admin and she rocks. She was in love with my hair saying how sexy it was! Love her! Then I saw Allison, the main nurse who tells me when I can do things... I had asked Dr. N if I could ride my bike and he said deep in internet world, "ya, whatever." lol So I asked her and she said as long as I'm careful!!! So if you can't find me tonight you know where I'll be! (Allison thought I had sexy hair too, so as long as my husband thinks it is, we're all good! lol) Anyway, you may have had to have been there to get a giggle, but it made me laugh. I now have to wait a whole month, but the receptionist said I can visit any time. So I may have to drop in with some goodies on a week I'm feeling up to it. They are all just the sweetest there and it helps to leave somewhere feeling good about yourself, especially after all of this craziness.

Alana is feeling LOADS better. Like a new child. I did look in her throat though and ewwww. It is still a nasty haven of swollen sickness. No fever though and hoping Madison can hold out for us! She was coughing this morning... I know. I know.

Back to working i go, had to blog that before i forgot :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dodging the Sickies

This weekend I felt continually better. Until dinner Saturday night, when I just crashed from literally going all day long. Something I did do this weekend, was get on a bike!! It was an incredible feeling... I just have so much "happy" on my bike. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I really hope I can get cleared to ride the Greenway! I'd love to try before the next round of chemo! I did get in a 20 minute walk with Madison last night and we made a trip to Ellijay to check on things... overall, a wonderful weekend. 

Today we've been faced with our first sick challenge. Alana spiked a fever last night and has a pretty nasty sore throat. I had heard there was a virus going around, so thank God I talked to Jen today. She was telling me how her daughter had strep, the ONLY reason I made an appointment today. We went in and the doctor gasped! lol. There were two nasty looking pus balls on her throat. Bigger than any I have EVER seen. So the obvious is here - the concern of what happens if I get strep throat.

I called Emory and they asked me to get a strep test ASAP. Unfortunately I've been exposed and she is contagious for another 20 hours. If I do however come down with symptoms, off to Emory I go. So we are hoping I can stay germ free, even with a compromised immune system...

I've started getting itchy scalp but I haven't seen any hair fall out yet. Or nothing more than the norm. I had a dream I was pulling it out in clumps, it was long again, and it was kinda gross. I like dreams to know how I'm going to react. Before the mastectomy i had a dream and when I saw the end results, I was okay! and in my dream the cupcakes weren't near as pretty! hah!

Tonight a friend and I chatted about a really neat thing he wants to do as a fund raiser, Sock it to Cancer 24HOB. It is going to make me cry... so I'll write more when the links come out. But know it's so me, and so cool. :)

Good night! Gotta get sick child one and runny nose two off to bed... then it's off to doctor visits in the morning!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling Perdy Good

Happy Friday, happy day eight!

So today was the end of the school week, and we celebrated with pool, Teds and ice cream! And you know what!!? I was able to eat and it was wonderful :) today I've felt amazing compared to any day last week. Maybe it was the quick trip to school to drop off apples today. I was the worst parent ever. It's week one and I'm sneaking into class for a peak. (I justified it because I didn't get to go to meet n greet) but then, I saw Alana at the board, the cutest class ever, talked to the teacher and started to cry!! I couldn't stop!! Lol. I let before I caused too much commotion... Still cannot believe I cried!!? Lol.

I went to physical therapy today and she adjusted all my excersizes. I guess because I have a port there are limited things we can do now. Glad I didn't stretch out for two weeks!! She also gave me a great back rub helping to ease some of the nerve shock pain (I call it) in the back. Apparently as you get feeling, things can feel that way.

I chopped my hair off yesterday! That was fun actually. I got the best scalp massage EVER and then Ping did her thing. She's amazing. I can pretty much let her do her thing and I'll never be disappointed. Ever. I'm really happy with the new style. I had a dream last night that my hair started coming out in chunks and that was weird. The lady said it would be 10-14 before it did, so maybe near the end of the weekend.

It has truly never felt so good to feel good. It was a hard week, and I know three more are awaiting me after each treatment, but at least we know what's coming this go around. Being better prepared will be huge. Like taking out stock in Imodium!! Lol.

I would love to try to see if I can ride a bike this weekend, but we will see. There is lots of fun stuff planned, hopefully I can continue to feel good and we can enjoy the sunshine:) feeling extra special and extra thankful tonight as I write. Off to get some sleep... Xoxoxo

Thursday, August 8, 2013

1 Down, 11 To Go!

It's been one week since chemo and wowzers, it kicked my booty. I am currently 10 pounds down and fit in my jeans again, thanks to the amazing chemo diet! It consisted of scrambled eggs, soup and crackers for about 4 days and over 40 trips to the bathroom, but I do not recommend it. Needless to say, my stomach is still sore, and I am tired, but slowly I am beginning to function again! I've noticed I have the most energy between 9 and 11 AM and 4 and 8 PM, so I'm trying to work/nap in between so I can rest, and do chores and help the kids the other times. It seems to work well so far. Last night, Skip took me to the mall to get a couple of things and really, to get out. I walked slow and sat in the chairs and didn't even go far, but when I was done, my feet were killing me. So weird. Then we went to Taco Mac for dinner, and I can't believe I did it, but I ordered a kids grilled cheese, unseasoned fries and a ginger ale. Amazingly, everything actually sounded good on the menu, but I knew my stomach would reject it. For the first time though, it 4 days, dinner stayed and it was actually pretty good! Who knew!

Today, I worked a bit and worked on designing the 2013 Sweet Rides jersey, took a strengths test (which said my number one strength was positivity! HA!) and organized the tupperware that kept pouring out of the cabinet.(Skip is going to love me more now. Watch.) I think I'm going to get my hair chopped today. More because I like getting my hair cut and less of any other reason. lol. I can't get manicures and pedicures during chemo because of infection risk, so this is my back up. Plus, I would kinda like to see what I'm going to look like in short hair... I didn't order the wig yet because I was sold on getting the long one until Skip said short was cute - well, and the fact I couldn't pick up the phone to call the lady. 

OK. Off to get after school snacks ready.... be back tomorrow! Hopefully feeling "more better" as Alana would say!

PS, my girls are getting along, madison is not anxious for school, is making friends and helping her little sister. She is more confident and organized and I have a great feeling about this year. Little Lana is loving school and comments daily, "the best day ever." Such a relief for me... such a relief.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 6... And Home Alone!

"You have become weak, so make yourselves strong again. Keep on the right path, so [you] will not stumble but rather be strengthened." Hebrews 12:12-13

Praise God for bringing me out of the last two days. I see some light and my stomach is feeling a bit of relief!  I'm not sure I've ever been so weak, depleted of every last bit of energy and strength. Close, but this weekend wins the gold for sure. I neared the door of stupid discouragement a few times, only neared it, but kept it closed tight with the love and encouragement of many. It's truly a gift looking back, of the words that were said and written. There are many, many angels looking over us...

I've now lost six pounds already due to the cells being destroyed in my stomach. I love that chemo works on quickly replicating cells, but I'm disappointed that one of those cells happens to be the lining of your stomach. Did you know that's why people often get sick and nauseated? Yep. Learn something new every day ;) I'm now on Culturelle, a semi liquid diet (soup & eggs), Zantac and Tylenol and I'm feeling a bit better. My organic, healthy, fruit & veggie diet is out the window for the next 78 days as me even writing those words makes me actually gag. I will take a tray of tater tots please. My food aversions are almost identical to those of when I was pregnant, but worse. Haha. I saw an avocado yesterday and instantly gagged. I wasn't even planning on eating it!! It just looked at me! Anyway, I'm sure it's half the reason my stomach is rotten, I mean, I'm not sure the last time I ate a can of Campbell's soup. (As my gpa would say, "sodium soup". Hehe) I will start back after this is done... Until then it's junk food frenzy. Just kidding. That too sounds awful. Lol. 

I was able to help see the girls off to school today without feeling like I was going to pass out, and I even walked home! .06 miles. (We now know that from the transportation website) lol. Not far but good to get a breath of fresh air. Now me and Jax are laying in bed. I'm contemplating starting my physical therapy as I'm way way behind, but then getting a hair cut sounds like heaven too. I know, it seems a little silly considering it'll likely fall out in a week, but it always feels so yummy to get your hair washed! You know what I'm talking about ;) don't think I'm crazy, you'd totally do it too! 

I guess I will get some nap time here at the great time of 9 AM. I'm feeling a little sleepy again. If you're reading this know I love you so so much, and I hope you have the best day. Smile big and keep strong in whatever you face today! Muah!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ouchy Mama

It's most definitely been a trying 24 hours. Despite my hourly irritable stomach, sometimes more than hourly, I had bone pain like nothing I could ever prepare for. I was trying to find a way to describe it. I think if you imagine shin splints, they hurt, that never cease, and then take that pain and add it to your knees, hips and femurs, that would be a good start. Constant. Then you get the momentary shock of pain in other bones, like wrist, back and even the face. Yes, I had chin and cheek bone pain. If you know me well, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I ride a lot, I do things my body gets pretty angry about, but this... It's nagging. I had it all day and night... I'm still feeling it. I prayed through the pain for others suffering, I tried cuddling next to warm skip, I got up-down-up-down, I added and took away pillows... But it wasn't until 6:30 when I felt like the pain released for a moment. But guess what time that was? Yep! First day of school time. I'm not kidding! So I hobbled into the bathroom where two girls actually worked together to share a bathroom. Two very, very excited girls. I managed to do hair, barely, and we all went downstairs. Alana was more excited than any person I have ever seen go to school. She was insane! Lol. Then skip drove us to the bus stop while the girls walked down. Lana had already lost her bow and her ponytail was barely hanging on, and was nearly jumping the entire time. I watched and smiled, deep down knowing this was probably the hardest morning I've ever had. I was almost certain I was going to pass out, but the bus saved the day. We watched them onto the bus, skip drove me home, I sat on the couch and completely lost it. I had to hold it together for Madison, but I was pretty sure I'd never felt this bad in my life, along with watching our youngest baby start kindergarten. Skip laughed because he had just asked if I'd like him to work from home and I had answered him faster than I've ever answered. But once he saw the waterfall of tears, he goes, oh ya, I'm definitely staying home. I'm not sad, and I'm ok, I'm just worn out. Like a 5 year old that just needs to go to sleep. I was done. I'm going to try for sleep now that its 9:30. Just hoping I wake up a little better (: good thing is that chemo is doing its job. 80 days left! Wheeeeee.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

First 48 Hours

Well, I forgot to post this, so here were my thoughts from the first day... "Today is the big day! The chemo is dripping and nearly one down three to go. Everyone has been really nice and skip even met a stage four, three year survivor when I went to the restroom. I think she made his day :) They accessed my port for the first time this morning. I wasn't sure what to expect but it went beautifully!! Not even a pinch! I'm sure it's due to all the wonderful prayers. I've watched one lady get pricked 3 times (sweet, sweet Cynthia), and another once (Buffy). I was so anxious for them!! I know now without a doubt now I did the right thing! Love my Lovie!  I was not once nervous today. A bit tired and a little headache, but otherwise okay! All curled up in my fancy recliner... Maybe I can nap like the sweet old man across from me. He is out like a light... Now that's peaceful at its finest..."

The first 24 hours were fairly uneventful. After chemo we went and had a lovely lunch at California Dreaming and then went home for a quiet night. I woke up with some pain under my arms which I now know is normal. I took it easy all day knowing it was Canyons Night for our 24 Hours of Booty fund raiser. About two hours before I started losing all my energy and decided to ride in wih Skip. It was sooooo good to see so many friendly faces, and met a whole bunch of knew ones too! I drank a Coke and ate a double cheeseburger. I don't think my current healthy eating kick is going to go over well. You know, it kinda feels like I'm pregnant. Tired. Food looks gross. And I have this nasty taste in my mouth on the tip of my tongue. It almost feels numb or like you burned it maybe? Almost fizzy. That's the best way to describe it. Overall I feel very blessed and thankful.

Today I woke up and my stomach isn't very happy and I have a weird subtle pain in my chin-neck. Lol. Who knows, maybe it's killing those left over thyroid cells ;) I need to go to the grocery store but Skip and I both decided I might not make it without falling asleep! Holy tired! I feel like the laziest person on the planet at the moment. I went to get the girls lunch and the word left overs made my stomach turn. Ooooky gooky. Back in the recliner... :) Dog with a blog, Good luck Charlie, Jesse... Yep, I'm now a Disney Channel guru. (: as long as I don't start watching when they're gone...

That being said it is the last weekend before school starts. It seems so weird that I have a fifth grader and a Kindergadener! Just got all their paperwork signed and back packs packed... I shouldn't talk about that. My babies are all gone... Whaaaaaaaa! Ok. Seriously, lunch time for the family. Girls are eating chips. :) tata for now! 2 days done, 82 to go!