Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekly Monday News 11/9

Howdy! Chemo last Thursday has ripped it’s way through my body. Thankfully we had no plans (first since we started this) and I was able to pretty much rest and sleep it away. My distaste in food continues and I want something randomly different every day. Yesterday, it was ravioli, so we made it out to dinner as a family. It was nice to get out.

Tuesday is IT Chemo #8.

Friday is IT chemo #9.

We are back to the old schedule and expect to find out what scans are being ordered, blood work and when they may be done. I thought I would be super anxious, but really I am excited. It’s time to find out what damage this chemo has done to those nasty lil cancer cells. FINALLY!!


  1. We are anxious to find out too. HOPEFULLY, they will be MOSTLY GONE!!
