Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sitting in my Recliner

Just thought I would blog for a minute. I've done a WHOLE lot of sleeping and resting which is good and praiseworthy. Last night I actually didn't take something I knew would knock me out and I still slept 12 hours. Praise the Lord for sleep, I know a LOT of people don't get sleep out there - I've been in that insomniac club - shoot, I've been the leader! lol. But I guess when our bodies demand it, we get it. I do get the queezies off and on and food still all sounds rather disgusting. I've resorted to flipping through pages of cookbooks trying to find that one thing I must have. Realized yesterday all I had for lunch was coffee - I had completely forgotten to eat. Whoops.

Anyway, other than that, just hanging out avoiding sick people the best I can. It's the 7th day after chemo which is about the time numbers plummet, so I'm really not to be around big groups of people or around anyone who may be sick. Which is kind of unfortunate because I'm going to have to take some risks this weekend because it's Alana's and mom's birthdays and there is not much avoiding those precious times. Praying big for no germs to get a hold of me! Lots of hand sanitizer, no hugs, mask, maybe two masks, lol and maybe some lysol... ok this could get out of hand very easily but in all seriousness, CANNOT get sick.

Tomorrow is the 9th CSF treatment which is CRAZY!! They will check my tumor marker tomorrow, and I have orders to schedule the abdominal ultrasound and echocardiogram next week. Seems a TON longer than two months, but really I've only been on chemo for right at 7 weeks. Hoping to get some good news. Now that it's upon us my curiosity is trying to take over. Not so much anxious as maybe impatient. Just want to know so we can keep moving in the right direction.

Off I go, and I leave you with today's verse because I'm constantly reminded of just how great God's power is. I know I'm sick, and it's probably the sickest I've ever been, but I don't seem to be bothered by it so much. Every night my little Alana bear prays "we pray you put a little faith hope love and power into this treatment to make her better..." Trusting in His great power that that's exactly what is being done.

"Your power is great, and your glory is seen everywhere in heaven and on earth. You are the king of the entire world." 1 Chronicles 29:11

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