Friday, September 18, 2015

Morning Dose of Confirmation

I was laying in bed with Skip reading scriptures hearing God loud and clear on some things we have been discussing and then his phone rang. It was Emory. 

I had been emailing with my doctor at Emory trying to get squeezed in and it just didn't work out. I emailed her this morning with the plan of action and expressed my gratitude of her keeping in touch. I didn't expect the call. 

She proceeded to ask me questions, went through my biopsy results and plan and basically in the end agreed with the plan all the way. She was very encouraging and very personable and truly made me feel extra positive that we had made the right decision. We talked about MD Anderson and she said she had recent patients go with the same diagnosis and they are on the same plan. So for now, she felt to hit this hard and fast at home was the absolute best thing to do. She is willing to be by my side through the next eight weeks as an advocate/advisor for anything I need and we will touch base and be sure we are on the same page for the next set of treatments. It feels awesome to have two doctors looking out for your care from two separate health systems!! Blessing? I think so!! I couldn't be more thrilled.

I'm at Northside now for my detailed brain MRI, imagining what fun it would be if they've disappeared and smiling.

Pray for bone pain. It's a hard fight today. Apparently it's my trade off for sleeping through the night. #stillstrong 



  2. Hi Nadine, Skip and I grew up together in Griffin and I have been following your story through him on Facebook. Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you and I am happy to help in any way I can. Keep the faith and stay strong.
    Blessings to you all,
    Amy White Furedy
