Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Ultimate Sunrise

Finding hope. 

I went to bed last night beyond grateful for the urgency of my doctors to get me into MD Anderson. We will be leaving Oct 1-7, which perfectly falls between my two next appointments. Gods timing IS perfect. I'm really excited, nervous, eager, scared... So many emotions but one of peace knowing these are the doctors for me. 

I woke up at 5 AM which means I slept 6 hours. Longest time I've slept in at least a week. I got a cup of coffee (operation #prayforpoo is underway again) and water and sat on the balcony. It was so quiet I could hear the ocean. So dark that the Stars filled the sky. I just sat, watching the cats, praying, hoping, pleading, hurting. 

I climbed back in bed around 6 and there is something about nestling up in skips arms that takes the pain away every time. I find myself there more often than ever. It's calm. It's warm. It's love. 

I grabbed his hand and asked him if we could wake the kids and watch the sunrise. He was all in. Got the girls up with a little drama (not too too bad) and we were all on our way. Even Jax. It was pitch black. We walked out to a swing and all snuggled. It was one of the most beautiful, amazing moments of my entire life. 

We watched fishing boats, pelicans, the sun literally rise over the next hour. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. It's a memory I hope will be with my girls forever and ever. I know for me and Skip, it was magical. No picture will ever do it justice, no amount of adjectives could ever describe the overwhelming beauty we witnessed this morning. 

And for the entire hour I was pain free. 

Not something that happens often. 

Thankful for this new day and thankful for every moment, even if they have to come at weird hours. 

Best morning ever. 


  1. words except, Beautiful! :)
    Love you, sweet soul-sistah! ♡♡♡♡♡

  2. words except, Beautiful! :)
    Love you, sweet soul-sistah! ♡♡♡♡♡
