Friday, October 30, 2015

Fun Friday!

Two days of uptastic! It’s not like I can go jog a mile or anything, but at least I don’t have the overwhelming funk feeling that makes me want to pass out at any moment! I even walked to the bus stop today. May have been a weeeee bit out of my scope of “things I should not attempt” but it was nice to get out. My pelvis is on mad fire and my liver has been unhappy for days, but all is well considering!! I've been way worse... I also watched skip trim the bushes on the hill from the hammock which was hard because I love to do that stuff, but then again SO awesome, because I didn’t have to do that stuff!! HAHA!

I had my fifth intrathecal chemo today and went in with a WAY better attitude this go around. I had actually looked forward to it because it was deemed “Fun Friday” by Troy (the best oncology nurse next to Carmen ever) and when I walked in the girl was like, “ooooh, this is awesome.” Apparently we had on matching super hero outfits!! We had so much fun, lots of other people were smiling at our total weirdness and overall, just a good visit. Oh, and Dr. May decided to send off the fluid for results! SOOOO praying this stuff is squishing it all! Can't wait to see it worked! Should be Tuesday. 

Next week my Kelly May is not going to be here and that makes me a little nervous. She said she drilled the other doctor which made me happy and she said she trusted her. Then I hear a story about her coming from Emory too! So really, I don’t have anything to worry about, just not so awesome with change. Part of me wants to pack up in Dr. May’s suitcase and travel to nice warm Florida with her!! I can do IT chemo at the beach!! For sure! ;)

I received the results from the renal ultrasound. She starts with your kidneys look great (which I must say is an absolute SHOCKER since only 3 weeks ago I had "severe nephrosis of the right kidney that needed immediate attention." Praise GOD that has resolved!! Which also means whatever was blocking it has shrunk enough to not push on the stent! wohoo!) So I responded, “but my bladder is jacked?” She laughed. She told me the lining was definitely thickened showing inflammation. So I’m following up with my NEW urologist (Dr. whoever was totally fired when he told me my pain could NOT be kidney pain) and I hear she is the bestest!!

I did look up out of curiosity the possibility of the cancer having spread to my bladder. I read that in a 2014 article it was so rare only 40 cases had been presented in so many years. Like so rare that I started hysterically laughing thinking well then, for sure, I have that too. I probably don’t and they’re pretty sure it’s the Cytoxan chemo and have a plan, but it did give me a weird kind of belly rolling laugh.

I finally called LiveStrong yesterday to get myself in the system. They have a few programs like nurse advice and patient pairing. I guess I’m on the hunt for a LM survivor other than Valerie, though I am feeling like I MUST meet her! I would love to hear more about what she has done and her story. Anyway, I thought that would make some of my LiveStrong peeps happy. (Steve Kibler/#24hob, you were my referral. XO)

So it’s Friday night, we just did a family grocery run which was awesome fun in my mommy stroller and we stocked up for our annual Halloween Chili/Cornbread Casserole night!! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! Madison has a playoffs game to cheer for tomorrow, and though I’m a little said, I am knowing I shouldn’t make it. It’s a long drive to get there, long game, and long drive home. I’d be wiped for Halloween. So, she’s cool, and I’ll stay home with Alana and have some A&M time!

Other than that, I think we are good. We had some fabulous help this week as always. Good food, momma is the best help getting our girls off to school on early chemo days and lots of notes of prayer, support and love. We have been blessed in ALL areas of our lives and I cannot tell you all how grateful we are.

I’m super wiped out and looking forward to good sleep. Good night to all! May peace be with you all as you read this, and know I love you!

33 I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world. John 16:33 (CEV)

I came across this verse tonight while getting ready for bed and had a thought. Jesus has overcome the world just as he has overcome cancer… listen to this… we can fill in the blank with whatever we are facing today. May not be cancer, but we all have blanks we can fill! Let Jesus fill you with peace as he makes his promises that he has overcome it all.

33 I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the cancer battle, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the cancer. (John 16:33 Totally made up my own version)


  1. l love you.............................

  2. Praying for great results on Tuesday. BE GONE you nasty little cells. AND Thank you for the scripture. We all DO have our struggles/battles, but with the grace that God gives us and the peace that He also offers, we shall overcome!
