Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chemo Juice #2 Day

Last night began with pain. I had to lay flat after the spinal tap as much as possible to avoid the spinal headache. Problem was that after 6 hours, kidney pain made it unbareable to lay any way. I couldn't relieve it with a hot bath or walking around so I grabbed some pain meds. It takes a lot, like sobbing into my pillow, for me to break down and drug myself. I did. Nothing. Skip had an idea to sleep in the recliner so a camp out in the living room was where we went. It helped. I was so tired at this point the smallest relief was able to allow me to sleep. I only woke up twice in the night and both times the pain was a little less. I woke up pain free. Thank God. I woke up to several "I was up at --- AM with you on my heart..." Couldn't do it without you all. 

We woke up, got the kids off to school, fixed breakfast and off we went! We arrived right on time and went in!
They accessed my port, drew some blood and then Dr May came in. Now I know I've been a little "eh" about her up to this point but today may have been a game changer. She goes, "oh you have pink hair now!!!" We got a great laugh, showed her the kids hair, told a few stories, and began our discussions. This was by far the best talk we had had. She was cool about everything we mentioned AND added that the radiology team didn't think there was any breach in the spinal fluid, but that a lumbar puncture would be good in case. Wait what!!?? So Dr Booser did read it correctly last time, he just missed where they said do it! Glorious!! I like the confidence! And then she said three of the four LP tests were back and BOOM, all look good! Yes. You can do the happy dance too, that's awesome news!! 

The fourth test is the pathology. It takes a week and is still super important but things coming back good is a really good sign! Keep thinking and praying, "no cancer cells in the csf!!!" We've almost got this giant knocked down and it's awesome! Can't wait to celebrate!

And then she reviewed the blood work and her face was like 'you're kidding right?' She said your labs look awesome! Your hemoglobin is 12!!? Wow. I was like, "I be juicin'!" Haha! I juiced the mess out of some blood building fruits and veggies in preparation of this moment. Payoff!

We talk, all is good, she got me hooked up with a new urologist and we started the drips. We talked a while about some finding hope ideas (love our vision) and then the Benadryl kicked and it makes my eyes roll. So I put in the head phones and chilled a while. It was mostly uneventful.

Fast forward through the day and now I'm laying in bed. Typical family drama echoes through my house of Skip trying to get people moving to bed, encouraging M to finish homework, all while doing chores. Not to mention he actually has to work at some point. I think sometimes being a mommy-daddy is really hard on him. I am feeling blagh and just took Zophran. Maybe it'll kick in soon so I can help get Alana in bed. I know he's trying so hard, but think today was overall long, tiring and everyone just needs to go to sleep. 

Guessing I won't be blogging too much this weekend. If it's anything like last time, there will be a whole lot of napping which honestly, sounds pretty amazing at the moment. I'm zapped. 

Totally excited about the 3 of 4 news. It has to be clear and when it is we can move forward with radiation to kill the brain tumors! One step at a time. One day at a time. One hug at a time. One prayer at a time. 

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