Saturday, August 20, 2016

Blankets Creek

After my blog entry yesterday, I did exactly what I said and went mountain biking with my mom. I didn’t realize how bad my vertigo was, or whatever it is, until I started down the paths. Bump, bump, bump oh wow I can’t see. It was like shaking some eggs up for a scramble but in my head! I laughed and just kept riding. What a sketchy adventure THAT was!! Thankfully I could probably ride that trail with my eyes closed. Five miles of pure determination and mega fun.

My mom rode off and I walked back into the woods for my me and God time. I sat in the nearly dried up creek bed just smiling at the beauty, listening to all of God’ creation and instantly, all my stress went away. I was smiling. The air felt good and I sat on my sweatshirt praying and daydreaming.

I eventually studies the rocks and noticed this clod by my feet. It was a bunch of ricks kind of meshed together in almost a baseball size and looked like a ball of Jurassic poo. I moved it a little with my foot, hard. It was the only one like it in this bed of a million rocks. I rolled it and moved it with my feet and then AHHHHHH! SPIDER!! Giant spider and nasty looking peering at my from the shadows.

I sat there and studied it and I realized something cool. It was a symbol of my LM family. We have come together by this “crap” disease and have been meshed together like the rocks were. We didn’t choose to be in this ball, but we were chosen for whatever reason. Then, when we least expect it the enemy is lurking in the shadows, until, AH, we see him trying to bring us down, hurt our positive attitudes, whatever he had been trying to do. And when we see it, we can know that we are all stuck together and will help the other rock be strong in our clod roll around and shake him off. I don’t know if it makes sense, but it just reminded me of this small family of people who I’m truly blessed to have in my life.

When I got up to leave, another eek and just at the edge of my sweatshirt is maybe a 5” long bug looking worm thing. It was hiding in my shadow and it just gives me chills. Bye nature, I’ve now had enough of you!

I seriously have no idea what I did after the ride or when Alana got home, but whatever it was ended in an email that said my CSF was still clear! I took a deep breath and smiled. My miracle is 5 weeks strong. It’s hard to grasp really, it’s so beyond my understanding and at the same time, I love that. I don’t need to understand it all or question how or why. It’s a gift and a direct reflection of the love and prayer that has gone up for healing. Can’t thank you enough.

1 comment:

  1. Never question gifts from God!! Take them and be very Thankful!!! LOVE you all!!!
