Monday, June 24, 2013

Slow & Calm

I'm trying to figure out the last time we had a calm, low key weekend. When was the last time anyone had one? Well, we here at the Wall family stay busy. So busy in fact I watched my husband do nearly 8 hours of yard work yesterday. It included making new pine islands where grass had died, pruning bushes, filling in holes, mowing... It looks so pretty! We always had a pretty yard, but we had even let that go and I had not realized how bad it looked until it was fixed. I think that's life in general. Sometimes we don't know how bad we are making things until something stops you in your tracks. Today's devotional was about slowing down, finding calm, and peace. That's funny, I've found the ultimate calm - I can't lift a magazine per the doctors orders! Sitting around and being forced to be "slow" has made me realize how fast I really am. It's almost like a feeling of frustration followed by a huge understanding of why I needed to slow down. For example, I wanted to dig, lay pine straw, do all those yard work things and instead I sat in different chairs throughout the day, finding shade. That evening Skip admitted he overdid it. But we always overdo it. Even this kids are fast. I took my first walk with them yesterday evening before dinner. I made it to the first roundabout and back, maybe 1/4 mile or so! The kids kept yelling at each other, "wait for mom!" I'm usually the one going hurry, hurry! Come on girls. It was fun to watch them wander up and around enjoying the freedom of just going at their own pace. Overall an awesome weekend...

I can now get ready for the day on my own, I can make scrambled eggs if someone brings me all the ingredients and washes the pan. I can spend a little time on the computer without nausea, as I paid bills and worked on my scrapbook! I sat on the ground for the first time yesterday! Getting up was interesting. I try every day to lift my arms a little higher. My right is doing better than my left. I'm only taking a pain pill to sleep and haven't even thought about cutting back on muscle relaxers yet. They work so well. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow. I likely will not get the drains out as I think yesterday's output was still around 50-60. Maybe by the end of the week!?

Well, today I have a ridiculous headache and seem to be more sleepy than most days so off I go to nap. So thrilled that I am just 2 days from the two week mark. Longest, calmest, slowest, most peaceful two weeks ever. That's something to be thankful for.

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