Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 6... And Home Alone!

"You have become weak, so make yourselves strong again. Keep on the right path, so [you] will not stumble but rather be strengthened." Hebrews 12:12-13

Praise God for bringing me out of the last two days. I see some light and my stomach is feeling a bit of relief!  I'm not sure I've ever been so weak, depleted of every last bit of energy and strength. Close, but this weekend wins the gold for sure. I neared the door of stupid discouragement a few times, only neared it, but kept it closed tight with the love and encouragement of many. It's truly a gift looking back, of the words that were said and written. There are many, many angels looking over us...

I've now lost six pounds already due to the cells being destroyed in my stomach. I love that chemo works on quickly replicating cells, but I'm disappointed that one of those cells happens to be the lining of your stomach. Did you know that's why people often get sick and nauseated? Yep. Learn something new every day ;) I'm now on Culturelle, a semi liquid diet (soup & eggs), Zantac and Tylenol and I'm feeling a bit better. My organic, healthy, fruit & veggie diet is out the window for the next 78 days as me even writing those words makes me actually gag. I will take a tray of tater tots please. My food aversions are almost identical to those of when I was pregnant, but worse. Haha. I saw an avocado yesterday and instantly gagged. I wasn't even planning on eating it!! It just looked at me! Anyway, I'm sure it's half the reason my stomach is rotten, I mean, I'm not sure the last time I ate a can of Campbell's soup. (As my gpa would say, "sodium soup". Hehe) I will start back after this is done... Until then it's junk food frenzy. Just kidding. That too sounds awful. Lol. 

I was able to help see the girls off to school today without feeling like I was going to pass out, and I even walked home! .06 miles. (We now know that from the transportation website) lol. Not far but good to get a breath of fresh air. Now me and Jax are laying in bed. I'm contemplating starting my physical therapy as I'm way way behind, but then getting a hair cut sounds like heaven too. I know, it seems a little silly considering it'll likely fall out in a week, but it always feels so yummy to get your hair washed! You know what I'm talking about ;) don't think I'm crazy, you'd totally do it too! 

I guess I will get some nap time here at the great time of 9 AM. I'm feeling a little sleepy again. If you're reading this know I love you so so much, and I hope you have the best day. Smile big and keep strong in whatever you face today! Muah!

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