Saturday, August 31, 2013

Half Way Through...

So I haven't been able to blog since my last round of chemo. I wrote about a paragraph and I read it back to myself 3 times and it didn't make any sense, so I decided to wait until I was feeling better to try again. Let me see if I can remember now...

I ended up feeling fine all the way through Friday night. That is when I realized I was coming down with a cold. Congestion, runny nose, head ache, I was not very accepting. We woke up Saturday morning and I knew the next few days could be hard so I was bound and determined to spend the spring-like day at the park. I managed 4 miles over I think probably 2 hours, had a picnic and laid in the shade under a tree watching the dog and the kids and skip go around and around. It was really good, but I realized how sick i was when we got back into the car. We headed home and lucky for me, the fever was only 100.7. Bad news is, that is a call to Emory.

I had a doctor call me, a prescription called in and picked up all within an hour and a half or so. I did find it very funny, our conversation. The doctor went through and asked me questions and finally he says, "So you have two options. One you can go to the ER. Two I can call you in an antibiotic." I was like, huh? Would anyone actually choose one?? How could that even be a choice! lol. I said, um, yes, I'll take the antibiotic please. Still makes me laugh! I had 6 hours to get rid of the fever or I would HAVE to go to ER and with meds and the power of prayer, it was gone in less than three and NEVER returned. Pretty sweet!

The next few days were a fog. I slept A LOT. The bone pain came and went, but I think the combination of claritin and advil worked wonders for it. I think I may have had a couple of rough hours, so huge blessing. I also did not have the stomach upset I had last time, honestly partly because I could not smell nor taste food for about 4 days! Unfortunately the day my nose cleared I cooked a pot of oatmeal that ended up making me nauseated for about two days. There is something about a crock pot - smells like crock-pot chicken (a pregnancy nightmare making me still gag today) and it lingers into every room. ew. Next subject.

I had a bad idea about taking a bath. I forget my hair is still falling out as it's so short. Well, it was everyyyyywhere. I took a picture, but it didn't do it justice. I can't even describe it but I was surprised to have any left when I dried off! lol. So for now, no baths! It did however inspire me to try to clean the bathroom and at 11 weeks post op, I was able to successfully complete the task. And wow, did it feel GOOD! :D

We were very blessed with meals this week. I think we had dinner brought to us or ordered through a gift card every night this week. We are so grateful for all of the friends and family who are just bringing us as close to a normal life as possible. Skip had a LONG work week and a lot of long commuting. Thankfully we had my mom stay one night and maggie for two more. To have loving family so close has been the sweetest thing, and wish dearly they were even closer, or we weren't so far!

I had some amazing bible study days this week also. A lot of joy filled scripture and great empowerment to endure the sickness. It was definitely needed this week and it seemed like every time I opened up the word, God was giving me exactly what I needed for the day. I did get a little upset at my kids one night and felt bad. I had not yelled in a while. My tolerance was zero and after 10pm on a school night hearing two people cry about whether the night light stays on or off, yep, mommy let loose. But hey, you know what? They went to bed! Sometimes we all need a little discipline and mine know exactly when mommy is serious.

Speaking of the girls, they have been okay with me having no hat this week, and I'm getting used to it too. Skip seems to get caught of guard by it as much as I do, but I think overall it's being accepted into the house as the new norm. It's really funny walking by and catching a glimpse of your reflection and startling yourself. Seriously. I even did it putting something into the microwave the other day! I took a double take and just shook my head! Weird bald lady in my house!

I finally ordered my wig thanks to some awesome people at Ping's Salon. They not only shaved my head making it fun, but they raised money for me to buy a wig. I'm forever grateful for their friendships and love and for always always making me and my girls feel special and pretty. I ordered the long one on facebook that looked most like my hair and the decision made madison SO happy.

Yesterday was FINALLY a make-up day. And yes, I have a sweet friend who almost daily texted me, is it a make-up day yet?? She knows me pretty well... It was actually a really nice day. I probably over did it some, but I wasn't caring too much. After what, almost 8 days of barely leaving the house, it was time! lol.

Well, today is Saturday and I do feel "normal". I have a lingering cough but I think I'm on the road to recovery. Fingers crossed! I'm officially 50% finished today if I include the three weeks after the last round of chemo. That's pretty cool. I'm on a "7-11 energy / 12-4 low energy / 5-9 energy / after 9 crash" cycle again. So I'm making sure I listen to my body and schedule things accordingly. It's been a particularly lovely day with my Madison. We are working on a science project and she caught up on some reading.

All is right, all is good.

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