Monday, August 5, 2013

Ouchy Mama

It's most definitely been a trying 24 hours. Despite my hourly irritable stomach, sometimes more than hourly, I had bone pain like nothing I could ever prepare for. I was trying to find a way to describe it. I think if you imagine shin splints, they hurt, that never cease, and then take that pain and add it to your knees, hips and femurs, that would be a good start. Constant. Then you get the momentary shock of pain in other bones, like wrist, back and even the face. Yes, I had chin and cheek bone pain. If you know me well, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I ride a lot, I do things my body gets pretty angry about, but this... It's nagging. I had it all day and night... I'm still feeling it. I prayed through the pain for others suffering, I tried cuddling next to warm skip, I got up-down-up-down, I added and took away pillows... But it wasn't until 6:30 when I felt like the pain released for a moment. But guess what time that was? Yep! First day of school time. I'm not kidding! So I hobbled into the bathroom where two girls actually worked together to share a bathroom. Two very, very excited girls. I managed to do hair, barely, and we all went downstairs. Alana was more excited than any person I have ever seen go to school. She was insane! Lol. Then skip drove us to the bus stop while the girls walked down. Lana had already lost her bow and her ponytail was barely hanging on, and was nearly jumping the entire time. I watched and smiled, deep down knowing this was probably the hardest morning I've ever had. I was almost certain I was going to pass out, but the bus saved the day. We watched them onto the bus, skip drove me home, I sat on the couch and completely lost it. I had to hold it together for Madison, but I was pretty sure I'd never felt this bad in my life, along with watching our youngest baby start kindergarten. Skip laughed because he had just asked if I'd like him to work from home and I had answered him faster than I've ever answered. But once he saw the waterfall of tears, he goes, oh ya, I'm definitely staying home. I'm not sad, and I'm ok, I'm just worn out. Like a 5 year old that just needs to go to sleep. I was done. I'm going to try for sleep now that its 9:30. Just hoping I wake up a little better (: good thing is that chemo is doing its job. 80 days left! Wheeeeee.

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