Friday, August 23, 2013

Angels Are Real

There were SO many crazy things that happened yesterday, let me see if I can remember them all...

My lovely day started out with some wonderful friends and family at breakfast at Cracker Barrel. For those that don't know, my grandfather passed away a year ago this past May and we used to eat at CB alllllll the time. We even had a pretty regular table AND waitress. I guess I wasn't really thinking, but I chose where we would eat! They sit us at our regular table first. It was a little weird... I have to be honest. Then the waitress came over and told us how much we had missed her and asked about our girls. Wow. I could barely answer her... then I realized, wow, I think grandpa MAY have something to do with this ;) hehe. We had an awesome time overall and it was so great to catch up with old friends...

After that I remembered my good old litocaine cream and patched that stuff on so when my favorite port nurse popped it in, there was once again nada thing! Woohoo! I love that little Lovie! Especially later on when I watched this guy get poked ALL over. Totally not cool. And he's been doing this for FOUR YEARS! Say what?!?!!!

Anyway, back to floor 2 at Emory. So one of my complaints, or better yet just something nagging me was the fact that my oncologist always has her nurse practitioner come in prior to her to look me over. Then relays the information and THEN she comes in. I pick my doctors because I want THAT doctor and I felt led to "hire" then so to speak. I had even mentioned it to doctor Barber the other day. (one of my most favorite doctors in the world - and he says I'm his favorite patient. hehe) So, the girl last time mashed on me so hard that I hurt the next day. Not today, because Dr. O'Reagan came in all by herself and we had THE BEST TALK. I had SO many issues last time and we went through each one and have a game plan for this round. She agrees it's got to get better! I'm kind of excited to see how this goes! Once I get to next Monday, I will officially be half way through!

After the great visit with my oncologist (and again, the FIRST time I've ever just seen her - maybe someone is watching???) I went down for the infusion. We waited a REALLY long time but when the guy came out, he didn't call me by name he walked up to me and said we're ready for you. HUH??? How do you know who I am? This waiting room is PACKED! lol. Weird. So anyway, we went back to the same "bay" and it was decorated with snowflakes and a snow theme. Apparently it is Cruise Week (my grandparents LOVED to cruise) and I got Alaska. Now listen, hospitals are cold, but the infusion room is by far an ice box. So seriously?! Alaska?!! lol. Everyone had palm trees! We sat down and one of the snowflakes above us fell. Me and Amy just giggled then the nurse came up and saw my birthday and said, "Oh! Mine is the 19th!" I almost cried. That was gpas birthday. Really, then we had no doubt, we were sure grandpa was keeping an eye out for me... :')

Overall it was an easy peasay lemon squeezy infusion. We had to wait a lot because of labs and some mix up with the order, but we had another fun bay. I saw my friend Buffy again and we are totally scheduling them at the same time again in three weeks! HAHA! She's a cutie. I also sat in front of a four year brain tumor survivor. Wow is all. Super fun guy with 6 children and an amazing wife who you could tell was just madly in love with her man and never ever leaves his side. It was precious. 

We drove home through a monsoon, I even got flood video, and went to Pure for dinner. (Figured if I was going to be ill, I'd get a yummy "last meal") It was awesome. Skip met us and then we met two new amazing friends! We had THE BEST TIME. It was so nice to sit outside after being inside all day and just laugh until our cheeks hurt. Such an beautiful time...

This morning I lost at least another quarter of my hair and it's up in pig tails until it goes tonight! We had to reschedule as Madison was taking it really hard for the first time since the diagnosis. So pray we have an easy time tonight, lots of laughs and that no one is scared. Pray the kids can handle the change, I know it's hard for them. I can't make them okay with it, only God can protect their hearts <3

Off I go! I've gotta get the girls lunch! We were out of lunch meat!! AH! haha! I feel SUPER awesome today and hope I can keep up the energy! 20 minutes of excersize a day keeps the blood counts good and lots of protein! Love to all who read this! MUAH!

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