Friday, June 3, 2016

Swollen Eye Mystery Solved?

For real!

Had my CT scan at 11. 4pm the Nurse: "Hi, your sinus cavities look great! No infection or swelling in the cavities." 

Me: "Of course they do." Perfect. Healthiest sick person EVER! This is insane. You have seen my eyes!!!

Whatever. Melting Marshmallow Face is the new look this summer and I hear unicorns dig it. Saggy eyelids, puffy cheeks, it's Vogue!

Seriously, for real, I'm totally pissed. I needed someone to know what this was. This means they're likely gonna stop Alimta as it listed it as a possible side effect (the not so common one), the only drug I'm on killing LM at the moment. So what do I get for brain!!? We need a good one. Oh decisions and flying emails... I need a vacation. And NOT to Santa Monica. 

I now have an appointment July 5 in Santa Monoca. Need to decide if we are going to do a fly in on 5, and back on 6 marathon. Or if we stay an entire week and take the little people. Prices for flights are no different but they're so expensive. Fireworks at Pier Park would be cool. I don't know. 

Ok. Leaving frustrate land to decide what we do tonight. I have "Girl Meets Worls" prieimeir set to happen because yes, I'm 13 too and very much love that show, especially with Alana who giggles at every boy girl scene. 

#shawnmendes released his new song today, be sure to buy it! Madison asked at midnight if she could download it, and this morning was able to play and sing it. Wonder who was up all night?! 

Sorry I've been grouchy. I'm kind of over this entire deal. I'm one week away from fighting #4 for 9 months. It's super miraculous and awesome but I get less and less dancy as the months go by. It's a hard as hell battle and at times easier than I'd expect. I just know I'm exhausted and can't wait to wake up from this nightmare with a miracle cure. 

Most beautiful sinus ever. Looks like a butterfly. 


  1. Dearest Nadine, I am so sorry you are enduring this fight. Why can't they just find a cure already??? Your bravery in the face of all this is amazing. You are strong, and God is ever so near. Love you my friend.

  2. Man, oh man. I hate to read this. I am thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers every day. Your strength through all of the times where there are no answers (and even more when there have been bad answers) is truly amazing and inspiring. Try to find the happy spots wherever they are -- sounds like tonight it will be on how awesome Topanga and Corey's family is??? (never seen the show...I hope Topanga and Corey are happy! haha)

    And also, unrelated, check out how much the sinus cavity looks like a butterfly! I would never have known that if you not posted this. ;)
