Wednesday, June 8, 2016

First Time I've Ever Loved 50 50 50

Happy Wednesday! Three UP days in a row and I’m seriously not sure what I’m going to do with myself, besides the fact I never ever want to get off the 50 mg of Prednisone! Because P-crash is the WORST.

Today was mentally exhausting. I began the process of appointments, record transfers, emails and calls to all the doctors and I won’t lie, it is a chore. I keep praying just make it work out. I don’t have the energy to “figure it out.” Vicki got me a cool unicorn card box, and it has some wisdom for the day, last night was this…
God. My divine schedule maker:) So I just trust. It’s the last thing I wrote my doctor. I have no energy to “figure it out.” She was worried I may have to change days in California, and flights, etc., honestly, I don’t care. Make me better, make my miracle happen. Tell me what to do. 

I remember meeting a really cool nun (I believed she was a nun) in chemo and I’ll never forget her. She didnn’t know a THING about her cancer and didn’t care to. She was just going to trust God to lead her team of doctors to do what they needed to make her better. She showed up when they told her and just kept a sweet smile. Neat lady. I’ll have to go find my blog about her. So anyway, that is how I almost feel. I don’t want to worry about when and how, just tell me where I need to be and when. That would be the best answer to prayer I can think of for this moment.

Today you’re going to be shocked. I ran a million errands. FIVE hours worth! We dropped off Alana (me and mom), went to the bank, down to pick up ceramics, Publix next door, up to the Outlet to get Ash a gift, snagged a YUM pretzel at Aunt Annies (THAT I could eat all day long!) Went to Alpine and picked out 4 massive cupcakes as her cake (best bakery EVER except they close too early) ate a Cannoli and made it home in time to swap cars and go pick up Alana while mom rode her bike. Me and Alana picked up Wendys, and took our car to the car wash so it would be ready for our trip! I could care less if it were clean, but Skip will be so much more in love with me! It was going to be a surprise, but he knows. 
Bet you can't figure out which one is mine?

THEN I dropped Alana off at Pings to get her hair doneback and went to the bank to run a few more errands and back home I came! Me and mom split a wrap, we entertained Isla and Shiloh along with Alana, and made dinner! I’m not even joking. I think I may be on cloud nine, because it was awesome. And then I even got my camera out and we took 250 pictures! Alana jumped in too and took over for a while. I'm not posting those because people are picky and there are too many to sort through. So you'll have to stalk their Facebook pages! Lol. 
Happy Birthday Ashley!

I'm pretty sure this was a highlight of my day. Isla and I were talking and she looked at me and out of the blue said,"aunt Nadine does not have hair." I asked her if she wanted me to have hair and she said yes. So we went upstairs for a good while of playing dress up. Apparently blonde makes me look like Ms Wanda and she liked that the best. Lovvvvvve. 
Isla hair...
Rock star! So fun. 
She also had a few back and forth "I love you's" and every time I said how very happy that made me. And then she looked at my dad and said,"I love you too grandpa." I about lost it. It was insanely sweet. I need to bottle her happiness. It's the cure for the world. Truly the happiest child I've ever met next to our angel Brandon. 

I’m SO looking forward to Skip coming home tomorrow. I miss him and Madison SO much! I even had to watch John Oliver by myself last night until I realized I had my MOM here! I think she got a coupe of giggles, but Skip and I that’s our weekly comedy and world news. Hehe. I know, it’s not very appropriate, but shh.

All right, so I have NO clue what tomorrow or the next day holds, but our plan is to get the camper from mom’s this weekend so we can pack it. Yes, it’s still there. Then we plan to leave (yes, we have a house sitter) Tuesday! Maybe we will even leave Monday after bloodwork! We have to currently be back before 6/28 for some doctor, not quite sure I remember who though at the moment, or maybe for scans. No. Ooh I remember Xometa! Lol. It’s ridiculous. If I didn’t have a phone I would likely be carrying around a notebook to keep up with my head. Oh, head, I went to the post office today too! Vaughn and Peggy keep on the look out and OH my, me and the desk clerk got to talking and I left in tears. I don’t even know why but she was a love. Some people just get you and don’t say much. Just, “can I give you a hug.” Darn, I can’t even right that! 

Oh and speaking of packages, Tracey, your Dana is fabulous, I mean LOOK at this shirt!? Thank you my sweet friend for the kind words. It meant a lot!!

I think that is it, if you happen to read this prior to it having pictures, you’ll be confused, but come back, I’ll load them soon. Or maybe it'll be more confusing. Who knows. Lol. 

Thank you all for the many prayers. Everyone is so so so so so so awesome AND Elizabeth is getting to go home!! If you don’t know my chemo sister or even if you did, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, she needed this. Giant miracle.

Love to all!


  1. Love to you,sweet doll face!♡♡♡ you're amazing...God's got you,honey...Divine timing is so real...the moment you release the thing you are hoping for, that's the moment God takes over.. I remember a Joel Osteen sermon that said, when you work so hard, worrying about whatever the issue is, God is taking it easy and allowing you to exhaust all the worry out of your heart,but the moment you let go of it all and surrender, that's when God takes over and gives you the thing that is best for you and shields you from that which is not good...all in Divine time...praying for you always...praying for your Miracle and the patience to know that it is on its way...Love you,Nadine...sweet dreams...Alana's haircut is beautiful... makes her look so grown up already!♡♡♡ :)

  2. Love to you,sweet doll face!♡♡♡ you're amazing...God's got you,honey...Divine timing is so real...the moment you release the thing you are hoping for, that's the moment God takes over.. I remember a Joel Osteen sermon that said, when you work so hard, worrying about whatever the issue is, God is taking it easy and allowing you to exhaust all the worry out of your heart,but the moment you let go of it all and surrender, that's when God takes over and gives you the thing that is best for you and shields you from that which is not good...all in Divine time...praying for you always...praying for your Miracle and the patience to know that it is on its way...Love you,Nadine...sweet dreams...Alana's haircut is beautiful... makes her look so grown up already!♡♡♡ :)

  3. So much love being exchanged to and FROM you! You are an incredible person and a crazy powerhouse! I wish I had your energy on my best day;-) I'm looking forward to the package! If I'd known you had given up prednisone I'd have had you pack your extra. Last time I was on it I was riding my bike like Lance! You are a beautiful and incredible person. And BTW, do you know how hard it is to find knee high mens socks in green;-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you hung in there and we had a wonderful time from Chores to Ashleys birthday dinner.
    You are amazing and strong. Now rest some if you can.
    Praying all the doctor's appointments fall in place for you.
    ❤️You bunches😊

  6. I love the isla wog photos. Your the best
