Monday, May 23, 2016

Keep Finding Strength

Well, I was just reminded that today is Monday again! I seriously had no idea. So here is the news.

I haven’t blogged because my computer has been dead and I’ve been hunting the charger for a week. Sorry.

Tomorrow is 7 days post chemo and will have bloodwork and follow up with brain radiation doctor. Next Tuesday I will do my third dose of Xometa which will be two weeks post chemo. Hoping by then that I am feeling well, better than last time.

I’ve felt super weak again, I sleep A LOT, my eyes are still swollen daily and there is pressure behind them now that makes them hurt when I make the slightest movement. Thankfully, it chills after a few hours of being awake. My appetite has gone to complete blagh again which doesn’t help. And other than that I would say we are good! It’s laughable at this point, gotta keep finding strength. It's a daily deal.

I did drag myself to church and a going away party yesterday. Probably the worst time for me to be around crowds, but it was needed. Got to see Spencer and all the amazing students “graduate!” It always makes me happy to see them up on stage and I dearly hope I will be able to watch my own some day. One of my biggest 'things' I don't like talking about.

We are still planning to go out west to see the Grand Canyon in a few weeks which I’m excited and nervous about. It’s a long trip away from doctors and we are strategically working it in between chemo treatments and hoping hoping hoping I have energy and am not sick to enjoy it.

Tomorrow is a very big day for one of my chemo sisters, Elizabeth Boronat. She gets super intense treatments every so many months out of the year. It’s a big beating on her body and family. Just love to ask you for additional prayers if you can for this sweet friend of mine and her precious family, it would be so appreciated! Here is her husbands post:

“I wanted to take this time to hijack Eli's facebook page and ask for thoughts and prayers as she embarks on her last chemo intensification. Today she has her labs, and pharmacy meeting. Northside Bone Marrow is thorough in their explanation of the "cocktail" of drugs my wife must take to keep her leukemia away. Tuesday begins a 2 week chemo blast. Then she battles all of the side effects as the chemo does its intended purpose. My wife is a warrior, and will battle with the same dignity, and ferocity that she battles any adversity she has encountered in her life.
Honey, the boys and I stand by your side and count the days when you are officially done with this chapter in our lives. Thank you to all that continue to keep us in your prayers and thoughts, and a special thank you to the sisterhood and bond that my wife has forged with a special group of STRONG WOMEN who battle this disease with the same dignity, and ferocity. Nadine Wall, Teona Ducre, Amy Lynn Bhary, Heather Miller, Jill McNeal, Julie Robinson, and others that have crossed our lives during this journey. Ladies you are true warriors.
Cancer has changed our lives, tears have been shed, expletives have been screamed, through it all Cancer has also taught us to smile, laugh, and add perspective to our lives. So instead of hating you cancer, we thank you. You showed us that we are stronger than you!!! Before each chemo treatment we recite (quietly) this little saying. "I'm gonna fight, till I can't fight no more, I'm gonna lay down bleed awhile get back up and fight some more".
We love you,
Nelson, Nathan, Ethan, Justin, and Elvis”

This lady inspires me daily to the point I’m hanging my head in shame for even complaining. Blessings to all…

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