Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Do a Little Dance for Me

I think people are going to do dances after reading this! I’m trying...

We got fabulous news from the rad onc today. He said my MRI looked REALLY good compared to January scan which we know was much better than the February scary scan. When I asked how many were left, he shook his head, “like they’re way better, like gone-ish, it looks REALLY good” kind of look. We know there are cells from the cytology, but something good is still happening. I know we go up and down, and all around with emotions over here, and these last four weeks have proved to be the hardest yet, but I feel a little hope I haven’t felt in a long time. Not a lot, and I should be dancing around the streets shouting Hosanna at the highest right now, and maybe it’s just the fatigue wearing me inside out, but a smile and a hug will have to do at the moment. It is pretty cool though and maybe we’ll dance the night away with the kids… we will see.

The other super good news is that I am 7 days out from chemo, I have good white blood cells, low platelets but not disastrous and beside my list of chemo attributed ailments, I’m perfectly healthy. It makes no sense really.

Even better, last night I was able to take advil and drink some 4 glasses of unsweet tea and have the best ever 2 hours with Dani and her sweet Darren. They live all the way in New York and have family in S.C. and decided to make the drive to visit us for dinner when they could’ve just went home. Made my week and feeling good and laughing and talking at dinner and being out with Skip not on a doctor call was so refreshing.

Even better, better. I slept. It has been a long 7 nights but whalla I took Benadry, Ativan and more advil. Done, gone, out, see ya! I woke up feeling like I could get up and not roll over 6 more times! So I kind of helped get the girls out the door, got ready for the day and still felt surprisingly awake by 8:30. (I would’ve napped at least until 10:30 by then)

So it’s a good, no GREAT news kind of day! There is so much to be thankful for and thank you all for carrying us along the way. I’m excited to know I’ve made it to my next goal of going out west and watching Finding Dory!! I shed tears over maybe not being able to see the sequel of my all time favorite movie with my kids. Nemo was Mammo for Madison and we had a Mammo 1st birthday. We watched it a good hundred times.

Trying to absorb just how miraculous every month is. Getting through the summer, and all the way to 9/9/16… a year isn’t too far off.

Don't forget about Eli! She got her pump with her 2 sheets of meds today she will take and be given! Pray she stays strong, it's intense, but I think she is going to be Super Eli as always and it'll be candy. Love you lady! Sending you unicorn positivity! Muah!!!


  1. You will decorate that Christmas tree again. Don't forget, I said it. And many more Christmases. We've got this. -Elaine Federico

  2. All great news!!! Kick it while it's down! You will have to settle for a bike ride, I don't dance. :)

  3. so happy for you Nadine!!!!! I pray each and every day and think about you all the time. I don't really know you but you are such an inspiration to me that I feel like I do. Don't every give up!!!!

  4. That did make my heart dance and sing!! I am happy to know that prayers are being heard and good news is coming your way! I feel so blessed to be allowed a look into to your life Nadine. Good thoughts and positive vibes sweet lady! ❤

  5. I am SOOOOO HAPPY right now!!! God is so gracious and kind...love that He's giving you hope!

  6. Inspiration...just like Darren said last night during dinner...that's what you are, Lady...a true inspiration...God is good all the time...never forget that, sweet girl...i could have hung out w/you all night long, but was grateful for those amazing and magical 2 hours...Nadine, Love you so much...thought about you all day today when Darren and I were roaming around Atlanta...showed him all the spots you took me to and shared all the fun details of the memories I made w/you and your amazing family...Love you so much...keep up the great work, honey...we are all praying and lifting you up w/Hope and Love in our hearts...you are a Miracle♡♡♡u

  7. Inspiration...just like Darren said last night during dinner...that's what you are, Lady...a true inspiration...God is good all the time...never forget that, sweet girl...i could have hung out w/you all night long, but was grateful for those amazing and magical 2 hours...Nadine, Love you so much...thought about you all day today when Darren and I were roaming around Atlanta...showed him all the spots you took me to and shared all the fun details of the memories I made w/you and your amazing family...Love you so much...keep up the great work, honey...we are all praying and lifting you up w/Hope and Love in our hearts...you are a Miracle♡♡♡u

  8. Aaaaahhhhh!!!! Happy dance!!! Wearing your bracelet and thinking about you always. Keeping up the prayers because they are obviously working. Ironically as I type this the preview for Finding Dory just came on, its a sign, God is listening šŸ˜† So happy for you, celebrating your victories and looking forward to your one big huge victory over all of this because I know its coming.
