Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Years at the Beach

Monday's chemo went super well, and I think because we had no kids we made record time! 5 hours to the beach from ATL! Woot. We were so blessed to have had a sweet family offer us a place to stay this past week. We got to spend the week with my parents and my brother, sister and nieces. Even with the virtually non-stop rain, the worst red tide in 15 years (the reasons for our masks), we were able to get in a small amount of beach time. Played a little volleyball, paddleball, hole digging and even watched a few crazier ones swim in the ocean! Just before I got there and witnessed 2 out of 4 teen boys almost not survive a rip current, (one of the scariest things Ive ever had to witness and had no way of helping), my brother saved a mother and little girl, the same age as Alana, from drowning. They were sucked out into a rip tide the first day here and he went out to save them almost losing his at the same time. We all got to meet them the next day when she came running thinking she would never have the chance to thank him. I was crying listening to her. As a mom, I'm sure I would've ran out there as well, knowing good and well I'm not strong enough to get us back. Those are the things that will haunt you, but have to move on. She is the principal over several Catholic Schools in St. Louis I think she said, and said she would be praying for our entire family for the rest of her life. My heart goes out to you amy, wherever you are and grateful for God's intersection in all our lives.

Rain, rain and more rain led to a soggy but hilarious new years eve. Sadly, with two little ones, there was no way the babies were going to be drug out into the nasty, but we decided to tackle it. Bundled up and with a giant beach umbrella we waited on Pier Park Drive for the 10,000 beach balls to drop on us for the Kids NYE 8pm countdown. Then 5 gigantic beachballs start making their way around. It was awesome fun, and by this point no umbrellas, we were soaked anyway. We went back for a pool party but realizing the cold was going to make us numb, even in a heated pool, we went back upstairs. We watched the NYC ball drop and then realized the rain had subsided, soooo... we went back to the party. A band was on stage with a 800 pound LED lit beach ball ready to drop. I couldn't stop grinning ear to ear. It was our THIRD countdown in 4 hours! How cool is THAT!? I was fighting the emotional breakdown a few times, but then I'd see someone's smile and stop myself. I wondered if I would see another new years, even had a friend from HS ask me to promise I could be wished another one next year. Can't promise, but I'll try if you'll pray with me! I was so blown away that I had enough strength to hold and dance with Alana in my arms. It felt so good. So right. She couldn't see and thats what a mama does, lifts her babies up. Nothing hurt, well, my back today, but shhh. That's a secret.

We danced and laughed and I couldn't get enough of being silly in the streets. We watched fireworks and finally, we went home. It was a new year. 2015 was over, and though it was a tough year, it was a blessed year. I've learned so much, mostly in the last three months. It's time to make some few lasting changes for 2016, memories and goals.

It's now FREEZING at the beach. We did mirror maze and ate ridiculous amounts of seafood. We did Dave and Busters and drank a lot of Starbucks. We did Thomas Donuts this morning which went against every piece of my diet after making a big batch of crazy good brownies the night before. We played lots of board games, took a million photos, listened to Madison get better on the guitar literally by the minute and played some PS4. Did I mention how much seafood we bought and cooked? It was obscene. Like I think Skip and I killed 2 pounds of red shrimp last night. Today we decided to stay and extra day to let ourselves wind down and realized little Alana was a little short on attention she was getting. She was begging for some "just our family" to eat together and play some games together. I have to admit, I was a little bit of a baby hogger when she was at our place.

We had a great day. In the brisk 50 degree air we decided to explore Gayles Trails which I thought was TOTALLY cool. Alana cried that it was way too cold (it WAS!) and MAdison had a breakdown every time we had to cross a bridge. Okay, they were over swamplands, but they were SO cool!! It was really wet, but we made it. We promised the girls we could shop afterward which Alana told me she would rather shop than bike, but she doesn't like to shop?! GASP! Whaaaaa? No, I will not stand for such talk! haha. But, that said, she was the happiest shopper. She found the cutest little red plaid shirt that she fell in love with and we had to go back to get it. It was a cute little boutique that I loved everything in as well. Then we ate at Pompano Joes again. Thinking we pretty much eat there twice every time we come to PCB, so why not. It was the best meal. Kids were great and I continued my lack of meal following with two baskets of hush puppies. HUSH. I dont like them anywhere else except Hilton Head. So na na na! Came back and packed most of our things and if we can get out at a decent time, may try to hit up NorthStar Panama City! How cool would that be!?

Tonight, little persons prayers got even bigger when she prayed hard for safe travels, continued healing for me, for herself to be more compassionate with her sister and for all those who are helping us through this journey. They are ALL her words and I could listen to her pray all night. Her heart is so thankful and so full. She may be a bundle of nuttiness and possibly one of the most ADD children I have EVER met, but when she prays, though she wiggles like nothing I have ever seen, her words are huge. She asked me what my goals were tonight and I told her we should write them in the car on the way home tomorrow, but I was honest. I told her my goal was to make it to next New Years Eve, she smiled. She knows too much for an eight year old already, but with her intellect, I just talk to her like I would anyone else. I can't remember how she responded, but it made me tear up. It's always good. Then she said her goal was to find a sport she liked and to be good at it. She doesn't realize she would be good at anything, she just gets bored of them all too quickly. My other goals are to stay on my diet, stay away from sugar and learn to pray bigger and better. We talked about prayer and how we would both like to pray more. Pretty sure she's already pretty awesome for an 8 year old when you hear things like, "God I pray you would send one of your angels to guide us home tomorrow and be with all of us as we travel..." but we are going to step it up here this year. If there is one thing I've learned it's that we must always be in prayer. Our miracle happened because we have an army of prayer warriors who have come together and who have refused to stop praying. My family will be praying like that this year. Not because of some goal, because that's how we please God. That is how we communicate with him. I want to help others see their miracles like we've seen ours.

2016 here we come. #Findinghope together forever, praying hard and enjoying the new norm. Big travel plans in the works and God is continuing to financially help us with the mega bills that are being estimated this week. I just got the phone call a few days ago and our conversation had God's hand ALL over it. Just waiting for some other details and then I will share. It's another miracle, hands down if this all goes through as expected. So blown away.

Okay, I'm exhausted and should go to bed. Just thought I would blog about my completely different new years eve vacation so I don't forget it!! Lots of pictures posted on facebook though I do plan to make a website here very soon for all to see how we spend our HOPE funds. At this point we barely have touched it but want everyone to know we are going to be very careful and pray we are good stewards of what has been given to us so graciously.

Big hugs and happy, HAPPY new year to everyone. My heart is so peaceful. Monday is a BIG day and I look forward to blogging my heart out then as well.
Be blessed and don't forget to hug your loved ones tight tonight. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, every day is a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend, my heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude. Our God is so good. He continues to answer our prayers and look at you! Wow! and then to read this blog post that you are setting a new goal concerning prayer this year. I can't wait to read about it. There's a small group of us who are studying the Word together and learning more about how to set up and use our "War Rooms." A much needed reworking of our daily prayer lives! Oh how the Spirit is moving!
    And please continue to indulge us readers with the prayers of your baby girl. They are so precious and heartfelt and REAL. May we learn from her example. Love you so very much
