Monday, December 28, 2015

Weekly Monday News (last one of 2k15!)

I haven't stopped. I think we fit more special, amazing memories into 3 days than should ever be possible!! I'll blog Christmas later, but I figured I'd give the oh so boring dr details first...

My Monday treatment of Topotecan got moved to Tuesday! We are packed and heading to the beach as soon as the needle is out! Have a house/dog sitter and the kids and parentals are already there!!!

This will be my #17th intrathecal chemo dose, so yes, only one more after that and we've graduated again from phase two to phase three, every other week!! 

So far I cannot tell I'm on the new drugs. I take two pills nightly to hopefully add to the miracle. It's possible it could kill more cells not just hold them at bay! Keep praying, Bloodwork tomorrow to see how my numbers are. 

Keep praying no IT chemo side effects. They're nasty. I'm still having a touch of weird here and there but we are going with the theory that my muscles are having to wake back up. One more back to back, God you've got this!!

I'll have pathology run on the spinal fluid next Monday. Huge huge prayers that it's clear!! Will likely have a brain/spine MRI soon as well. Seems I'm not the only curious one to see if the tumors on my spinal cord also miraculously disappeared. 

For those just catching up,I shouldn't be here. All studies, statistics, realism said impossible, and for some bizarre reason God chose me. My being here has been deemed a miracle. Period. God is listening to our prayer warriors, moving the hearts of many and showing the biggest love I've ever seen. So grateful. So blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. God did choose you! He is showing us that HE is in charge! Have a great time at the beach! Our hearts are there with you as always- where ever you all are! xoxoxoxo LOVE YOU bunches!!!!!!!!!!
