Sunday, December 18, 2016

Xeloda Day 3 - 11 Left

Day 3 and barely able to get up. A new side effect has shown up through the night with tremors in my right arm when I go to write or stretch for a glass of water. At lease its not a seizure, or maybe it is.

It is so hard to try to type and write these days. At first I was printing labels but then decided that was too much work. So if you get a Christmas card with an address that looks like a 3rd grader wrote it, no that was not Alana.

 I am pretty sure between all my sleeping the most fun parts were guiding Alana along for her movie project, talking to Madison about her boy drama and walking Skip through what ended up being an amazing dinner.

I had to laugh, when I went to bed last night it said I walked 32 steps and the 2 days before 95. I was very concerned until I realized its likely not picking up my sliding feet! I’m much to lazy to pick my actual foot up. I am sleeping a gooood 14 hours a day and there’s not much I can do about that. My body is tired.

Still praying the tumors are dying. I’m adding alternative supplements where I can but please don’t send more ideas. It can be overwhelming and ive likely tried it at some point. I really don’t have a good feeling about this so trying as hard as I can to stay close with God, the saints, family and friends and most of all positivity. Hard but not impossible.

Happy Sunday, no busy places for me. Will be watching online…

That took longer than expected! Chemo time!


  1. Hang in there Girl!- Thoughts and Prayers!

  2. Prayers for you always. Please let us know what you need. If Skip needs someone to go to the store or run errands for yall please let me know. We are right down the street and we all would love to help however we can.
