Saturday, July 13, 2013


Thursday was my PT appointment with Gweyn. Now once again I heard her name over and over, "Gweyn is the best. You can only see her." Even the scheduler said that. Lol. Gweyn is a woman probably in her late fifties with a deep knowledge of anatomy physiology. She showed me charts and explained why I was feeling what I was feeling for an hour. Then she stopped, and we started the excersizes. I didn't like her any more. She first said ok lay flat on this table. I laughed. She made me. Then she has me taking deep breaths and it felt like my cupcakes were going to fall out of their wrappers. Then she grabs my arm starts moving it in all not so wonderful directions and oh my, hello muscle reactions! She stopped and we started 5 different, super slow, therapies. My arms were literally shaking. She counted, made me hold, stretch, reach... If you know Irene from the Y, this would be her BFF. We finished up and she said I had to do all of that three times a day. Yaaaa... Ok. I thought I was going to die. We drove home and surprisingly, I felt fairly good. I took some Advil and that evening I was reminded I needed to do them again. I did however notice, my little left pain, was nonexistent and I was sure I overdid it? Hm. So I did my stuff and went to bed - on my back with 3 pillows instead of 8. She said no more nest. Kinda sad... but, it felt good and I slept 6 hours. I woke up super early for my Emory appointment with my endocrinologist and began to get ready. I was blown away... I could wash both hands in the sink at the same time, I could stand almost straight up washing my hair, I got dressed with no pain, I felt almost normal!! It was awesome! It went on ALL day. There were things I couldn't dream of doing the day before without hurting that suddenly I could do with no problem. The muscle I would massage under my arm had been so tight it felt like I had a piece of wood stretching across it. This day, mush. I could squish it! It really got me excited and I couldn't stop. I cut pizza with a knife and used pressure! Insert silly dance. I'm still excited. I used my camera and took pictures last night of the kids playing!! I felt really good. So. You want to hear the very best part? It happened today and I almost cried I was so happy... I was able to stretch my arms almost over my head! Ok. Cool, but do you know what that meant?!? That I could shave ALL of my underarms! No joke. I've been fighting the pain, smoothing it, doing everything I could and could still never ever get it all... Today, I'm a new woman. Laugh away, it was glorious!!! It's the little things I tell you, the little things. So, I now a have a huge love for good physical therapists. She changed my life in less than 24 hours and I'm forever grateful. OH and you know what she said, I'll have you back at the YMCA doing your classes and we will get you back mountain biking too. She was confident and I believe her! Thank you magical PT lady! You're an amazing blessing!

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