Thursday, May 11, 2017


Boom that’s what my head felt like when the surgeon came in. Reviewing the scans, the mostly good news Plus the little bit of bad news which is only one % knowing I’m like .0001% at this time. They’re putting me into this trial hopefully have surgery next Thursday but that means we are on the weekend so I’ll have to say the entire weekend before they can transfer me to PT and OT. I’m not sure how that works and how long I’ll be there. My parents hung out with us as much as they could and got us lunch and and there from 8;45 until 3. long day. skip’s parents Watched the girls and them out. I think they walked a total of 6 miles which is pretty good for my kids. So we are hoping to get on the trial or we would be having surgery today and that doesn’t look likely. So another week out and I think this will be the time we go to San Francisco. Dr. K seems optimistic that we will get into this trial and come out the other side Beautifully. There are three trials going on and this is one of his. It is a phase 3 trial which means you only get four and then it can be considered for a new drug. On my blood work looks perfectly normal which we didn’t have Second Thoughts about that.  I think that is it right now sorry for the dump  comment it’s a very lovely and mom cleaned it up. You’ve been very spoiled in the past so I was cranky and passionate that I was going to call somebody. Thank you for everybody’s generosity and this fight and team Nadine rocks. We’re praying alongside you and every day is the battle but just so you know I climbed into the pier  Park Ferris wheel and it was awesome so a little hope goes a long way.


  1. So Happy and Hope you get the trial. Is this the trial that we originally spoke of? Tell Dr K thank you for all of us!
