Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Let us add to the week ER

Today I just thought I would be getting some fluids but it looks like I was put into the ER instead. I should've went to days ago but dr wanted to make sure nomething was broken. And the hemorrhaging brain would've just gotten worse. So that leaves fluids which I did not get and two days after a seizure which is typically my downtime. 

And Angel I love this morning called to check on the send off for anything we wanted. I said I have to leave in an hour and a half do you watch my kids. She happily did and even give them lunch. We were a little leery about leaving them with their past mistakes but we were going to go with it! I came home to happy children and sat in the back yard for a little while and then realized I needed to sleep. That was four hours ago and already for bed. A lot today especially at my family.

So the only way I can do this is by voice chat so if something doesn't make sense I'm so sorry I'm trying really hard. Siri is actually a lifesaver. 

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