Friday, February 17, 2017

Seizure Free for 3 weeks! SIKE!

So far, so good. Skip and I are without flu and girls are feverless, but not coughless. So the germ fest continues. I wish I were strong enough to Lysol, bleach and scrub my house but I actually have felt a lot weaker this week and my right side is much weaker… 

…oh that was ,”you’ve got to be fuken kidding me! I need Ativan.” A seizure all because I was bound and determined to make my hand hit the letter “I” on the computer. It has been 3 weeks today since my last. Sigh. Let’s just keep pouring it on top of the already crazy week.

“Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleaned of his [cancer].
Matthew 8:2-3

I’m going to cut this short my arm needs a good massage.


  1. Maybe next week the flu will leave your home. :) gl

  2. We had the flu this week in our house too, but I realize it is a TOTALLY different set of circumstances surrounding it. I pray for a hedge of protection around you and Skip, and that God will continue to lift you up and help you to fight. ❤❤❤
