Monday, April 29, 2013

First Opinion! Check!

So today marked the first of the doctor appointments. I met with Dr. Corigan and her NPA. One word to some up our hour long talk - awesome. We got serious, she explained everything in fine detail from start to finish and I feel 200 times better already. As it stands at this moment, if MRI and genetic testing are good, it would be a stage 1 breast cancer with a fantastic outcome. I have the lumpectomy / mastectomy options to discuss with skip, but neither one changes prognosis. The difference is that you have only a 2% chance of it recurring if you get a mastectomy opposed to basically having the same chance you had before. They felt strongly everything would come back good. Radiation/chemotherapy would be discussed after surgery to check lymph nodes for metastic disease. Chemo/mastectomy would  be likely if the gene testing came back positive for mutations. It sounds all crazy but I do feel better after talking to them today. Not sure I've laughed that hard since this all started either. I had fun learning  about breast cancer, weird. Lol. Just keeping it light.

Prayer request would be that it is just that one mass. Gene testing looks good. And pray I don't freak out about the stupid IV in the morning. Uh... MRI at 9:00am! Results Thursday! Gene testing takes two weeks! So we should know mid may.

Oh and love that the nurse that checked me in goes, "oh!!! You work at NorthStar!!! I go there and love it!!!" She was awesome and so glad I met her!


  1. Hey Nadine, all sounds pretty clear and positive. Do you want to get together after the MRI? What are your plans after the procedure?

    xo Daddy

  2. "I have the lumpectomy / mastectomy options to discuss with skip, but neither one changes prognosis. The difference is that you have only a 2% chance of it recurring if you get a mastectomy opposed to basically having the same chance you had before. "

    I was doing research and saw this in a medical report, as well. xo Daddy

  3. Nadine, I am so glad you are doing this blog to keep us up. I have been thinking about you and praying for you so much these last few days. . . and aggrivating Mike for an update. I also go to Dr. Corigan and love her. I'm so glad that that the meeting with her gave you some peace. Please know I am continuing to pray and if there is anything I can do, please let us know. We love you!

    1. I think everyone in Kennesaw saws her! Thank you so much Anne. You're so sweet:) I've never blogged but already finding it freeing! Love you!!!
