Friday, April 26, 2013


I had planned on going to lunch with Madison today and chatting to her teacher about what we could put in place this next month to have a support group for Madison. Instead, she was replaced by a substitute. As she walked down the hall I thought, uh. So we went to Chick-fil-A and we ate outside which was SUPER fun. Madison started, "Mom. Can I have 50 cents? We are having a cupcake contest and it raises money for cancer. Ms. McNeal told me she had cancer and I told her my mom did too." That's how I told her I had cancer again. It was just that perfect God moment. She was calm, the sun was warm, the breeze was blowing, it was quiet. I stayed with the present and reminded her there would be a lot of appointments. When we finished our chat we went outside and did Fun Friday. As we watched the kids play, I heard Ms. McNeal mention her son had recently asked if she'd lose her hair again. I asked her if she had battled breast cancer and she said yes. I think we were both shocked for a second, but then she went into her treatment, doctors, everything... It was so good, such an encouragement. By late afternoon we had already exchanged emails and I had already begun the process of contacting her doctor at Emory. There is no such thing as coincidence, it's just God.

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