Friday, April 26, 2013


I woke up with my heart rate at 110 bpm. My anxiety was in full swing. I wondered how in the world I would make it through 12 miles.

I started my leg of the race and was feeling great! I flew down the first downhill, went to shift into an easier gear, and snap. Nothing. A half mile in and I was stuck in one gear.

So the choice presented itself. Do I quit? Letting my team and team mate down? Or do I at least try? I decided I would at least finish the next 3 miles. I kept going as fast as I could down and would climb as high as I could, jump off and run the rest of each hill. I probably got off 20 times.

I started passing people. It made no sense but I felt awesome. My legs were at their push point on every hill, but somehow, I felt strength and happy feeling.

I started thinking, if I can do this, I can survive anything. I got stronger. About half way through God spoke to me in one of those amazing unexplainable kind of ways. It was a story...

"See. Sometimes life is like a bike ride. Sometimes you get to go downhill (my favorite) and it's fun, exciting, and fast. Sometimes we're in the flats and we feel steady, strong and going along with the flow. There's a few bumps and rocks along the way, but nothing too hard. Then sometimes life is like the climb. And you know what? Sometimes you're just going to have to jump off and walk. The hill may be steep, hard and painful, but I'm going to help you make it to the top."

A new sense of survivorship was revealed to me and I was instantly filled with peace, the special kind. See, I woke up that morning knowing what this week would bring. I am scheduled to have a core biopsy on a suspicious mass i found on my breast and I am scared to death. I know what happens if its malignant. I saw it on film and I can't get the picture of the mass out of my head. But again, after that ride with my Best Friend, it doesn't shake me like it did that morning.

I  am thankful for the little mini sermon God shared with me that morning. I hope you are blessed by it and I am asking that you will pray with me for a benign result.

Love and hugs. :)

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