Saturday, September 24, 2016

Seizure 2 & 3

“You know the moments when you fall to the ground, but you are stronger than you feel you are now. You don’t always have to speak so loud, just be as you are.” –MP

I had another seizure, maybe two in a row. They are simple partial seizures that only attack certain areas of the brain, often leaving the victim aware or even awake.

Last night I was completely awake. I just started feeling odd, like I might pass out or fall over if I didn’t lie down. I had a feeling I’d had before and thought I was about to have a seizure. I grabbed the rescue Ativan and threw it under my tongue, took my dose of Keppra that was due in 15 minutes and walked around with my friend who is telling me all is going to be okay.

We unrolled Madisons gym mat on the living room floor and I lay on it and began shaking uncontrollably. I did the breathing exersizes me and my therapist went through and then I had them on things. Yes, I could talk. Blanket. Pillow. Antoher Ativan and then finally, “Skip you’re going to have to call 911. It’s not stopping.”

About half way through the call it stopped like a light switch. I’m not shaking, wait. Talked too soon. About 10 seconds and it was full on back. By the time the EMT got there it started subsiding. I was shaking, biting my lip, check and smashing my teeth together, and the back of my neck was in a giant knot. It subsided again, and never came back.

I hopped on the ambulance express to Northside Atlanta and was seen, bloodwork done and back, and out the door and at my home a little over 4 hours after I left my house. That should put a smile on your face after knowing how the last one went.

Me and Dr. Funk, the ER doc that night, relived a year ago and got a bunch of good laughs in. He knew the ER nurse Nadine and we just talked a while. It’s nice to have that when your husband still hasn’t arrived and he goes to get his personal cell phone so I can check on him. Seriously!

He joked we would write a prescription for both girls that would say something like:
Alana, No loud noises, no bright lights, quiet voices, no whining, and most of all no fighting with sister. Thank you, Doctor Funk.” But then we giggled and realized they probably wouldn’t buy it being signed P. Funk.

He knew I was feeling fine and didn’t need to admit me. He said we did everything right and how he would’ve. He gave me a booster dose of Keppra and sent us on our way. I am sure I was out on the way home. We ran into Scott Levy SSPD, as he was holding down the fort at NS. So proud of him and so grateful to see a friendly face. We took pictures in his cop car and went on our way.

I don’t remember anything after that. I walked in the door, smiled at Darren on the couch, (such an extraordinary friend),  and woke up around 7:30 in my bed. I guess I slept awesome though I don’t remember.
Today I’ve moved from the bed to the couch to the bed to the couch, much like 2 weeks ago today, recovering from the last. At least this time I was on a mat and didn’t get mad bruising from being in a tight place! We need a win here! I’m gonna close my eyes again, but wanted to send a quick update and get it documented before I forgot the details.

Thank you Melanie for giving me the tools I needed to conquer this.

Darren, thank you for sleeping on the couch last night so our kids would feel safe at home.

Thank you Kristin for being on top of everything. From getting what I needed, to helping me breath and keep calm. For praying the best most beautiful prayer over me after I wouldn’t let you move the Jesus sandal.

Thank you Skip for looking into my eyes and asking me what the best part of Howard Finster’s garden was. For keeping me calm and getting there as fast as you could so we could be together, laying together on that little ER bed with your arms wrapped around me, keeping me in the safest place here on earth.

Another seizure down, maybe two, totaling 10-15 minutes. Not as scary as last time, but they are traumatic. You are living in an altered reality, a nightmare, and can only do so much. Everything hurts, you wonder when it’s going to end, and you continually fight the urge to let darkness come over your body.  It feels like it’s pulling me over to a full seizure and I just kept refusing to go there. It is showing me how powerful the mind truly is during moments like these.

Need to grab a bite, so off I go. Chill day of couch, bed, couch, bed… love to all.

1 comment:

  1. I hate all that you are going through. But you are strong, and are surrounded by strong friends and an even stronger husband. I will keep on praying...God stay close!!
