Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Marathon Tuesday

So we've been going since 5am. I'm sorry I have been. Because there is no such Sleep when you are on steroids. So I decided to take it slow, bath, cook breakfast, whatever and we would all be gloriously ready to go at 8:30. But oh, we are running late and the doctor reminder says 9. Whoops! We go anyway with a whopping 20 minutes to get there! Over an hour later we show up and serves us right we waited forever. So 12:30 is quickly approaching and we have to be at our casting call in 20. 

Visit went well. I had good questions with good answers that made sense. Juicing is a go for whatever I want. We talked a lot about alkaline and PH. Baking soda-maple syrup and apricot seeds. It was fantastic. And she agreed to the MRI checkup and then sending CDs to Northside for a follow up reading. Sweet. 
I felt great today again, assuming the crash and 48 hours after chemo to kick in here soon, but hoping not. We are going to try to taper off the steroid instead of dropping off. 

Back to our casting, I can't say where or what or whatever but it was on our bucket list this summer and I promised we would do one and it never happened!!
So when I got an email over SMUNIVERSAL weekend we freaked!! We were super excited and another day of school down the drain.

It was a VERY long day. Thankfully I brought a decent amount of food but still after about 8 I could see us allllll fading! My mom came too, skip dropped us off so he could catch up on work and we had a good time! Alana is now SUPER still excited to be in the movie industry and it was cool to see her still into it. She was a trooper and had a fabulous blooper I wish someone could get me because I heard it, but never saw it. 

I'll attach some pics from hair and make-up but can't release anything else!! I'm wiped but it was worth it. I'm proud of what they endured today as extras and know without a doubt those girls will be able to do whatever they put their heart to. 

I want to say so much more, but think we will have to wait a while... 

Day 1 after chemo 1 and still well! That's a praise in my book for SURE!
Good night!


  1. Beautiful pictures of you all!!!! So happy you got to do this! xoxoxoxoxoxo Give our little actresses hugs from me!!! Now rest up! Sending prayers always!

  2. Wow! So cool 😊 can't wait to find out more about this! What a neat experience
