Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 8 and off for the Weekend!

Today was day 8! Wow. We are more than half way through radiation and I've been completely protected! Side effects are minimal if at all and I feel pretty good!! My liver enzymes went up which means the cancer is likely stirring around in there so I went crazy on the organic fruits, veggies and juices. Detox city! I had gotten a bit "who cares give me cake." Bad. I know better!! 

We've been on a prayer kick of asking God to be very specific on letting us know which doors we need to go through and which are closed. There's some things that are in the works where doors are flying open at big speeds. All cool things and OMG I'm freaking out in awe and amazement. I had a very specific God closed a door moment. The doctor said to go ahead and start Ibrance because I really needed to be on something to hopefully stop the cancer from going nuts while we did radiation. It's sketchy because you don't do both at the same time. It can dangerously lower your blood counts. I agreed to it, went home, and where is the bottle!? Oh. I threw it away!!! Haha. Can't take it now. You have to take the entire bottle (21) days and then off for 7. Then refill and repeat. So I figured I would never need it again, or if anything I'd have to start a new bottle to not get confused... and chucked it. It makes me laugh and I am grateful because I had a hesitant feeling. But now.... I've learned something new in the last 5 minutes and I see mega treatment in the near future. Oh I can't wait to see where this next season takes us. Wow. Sitting in amazement.

Let's see. Other than that we bought a camper trailer today. We have been planning to go out west and have realized our trip may be moving back a couple of months depending on how things go over the next 2 weeks. We should have a really good idea what we are looking at and what kind of time line I'm looking at by March 21st. The goal was to go most of June but my plans are his plans, I just want to see the Grand Canyon. 

So before we fill our bucket list and amazing shared road trip on google maps we've decided to see how this baby does by going to Cloudland Canyon for the weekend. Back in November I told Skip my goal was to be able to hike the waterfall and then I'd be ready for the west. I tried walking daily for a while and did awesome, I'm hoping I can do it!! 

Sitting here watching my hubby navigate little roads in the dark and praying since 8 for all kinds of stuff. So thankful for so many who have passed along so many unbelievable stories of how God has changed them, prayer lives returning, love for families and the importance of being there. I truly am honored that I would be a vessel to helping God get so much done. Definitely not how I would've chose but it makes me smile every time. 

Keeping the positive dance going and loving every second (other than when my girls bicker!) of my sweet little life. Grateful beyond words for how good I feel! I say it all the time, I'm the healthiest sick person there is... 😜

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family, so excited for yall getting the camper!! Fun times ahead in it I'm sure!😊
