Thursday, October 1, 2015

An Airport Angel

Skip dropped me and the bags off at the terminal and I wheeled them in looking for a bench. I walk through the door and a blaring red sign reads, "wheelchair assistance". No bench so I follow. I turn left and another big red sign. I follow and ahhhhhh holy line of wheelchair seating. So I sit and observe.

The first lady to roll up is disgruntled. She looked unhappy and then this lady of light approaches her, takes charge and gets her what she needs. Apparently this ALWAYS happens in Atlanta. I was glad she got help. 

The next guy rolls up and has a "cancer treatment centers of America" lanyard and I begin to think what kind, how long, how bad. My heart aches for his gentle smile. And then, the lady of light reappears. Except this time, she approaches him with a rose and a prayer sheet and begins literally pouring the love of Jesus and hope on this man and his wife. I didn't catch all the words but I was very intrigued. Then they start taking pictures? I'm confused. Are we at the airport or church?

 I'll never forget the look in his wife's eyes as they said their thanks and left. It was a genuine, "I so needed that" kind of look. Her eyes were so vulnerable. So telling of the pain she was enduring for her husband. They leave. 

Now I'm alone. I hear the light lady and a few co workers talking about how they have two more cancer patients tonight and how blessed they were to be receiving so many. And so I was led. I got up and started writing my blog website on her list. I said,"this is my blog and if you have time, please read it. I was just rediagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer." And the light lady lit up even brighter. From that point it was clear and without a doubt we were meant to cross paths. We talked miracles, prayer, hope, God, blood of the lamb... The list goes on. We became instant Facebook friends and I can't explain it but this lady was for sure different. It was awesome. 

During this, disgruntled lady reappears and you know what, we talk. Oh and I'm so blessed we did. She had so many ailments but was a survivor and I saw her frown turn around into a smile. She felt the power of Christ I know it!!!

Light lady, now known as Jackie, found me an assistant and wheeled me around. Except instead of saying fairwells shows me this bottle of oil. "Healing" starts to rub my hand praying like nothing I've ever heard, going to my other hand and then marking a cross on my forehead. "And by his stripes you are healed." Ok. Now I'm crying. I'm floored. Overwhelmed. Unable to make complete sentences. We embrace and leave empowered. 

It was a long night. There were some hiccups but overall in bed by 1am and slept soundly-ish. Five more hours and now I'm starving. It's MD Anderson day, how could anyone sleep?!


  1. Tears streaming down my face. What an incredible experience. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing!!

    Maria Hicks (nurse at IKES)

  3. Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing!!

    Maria Hicks (nurse at IKES)

  4. Powerful and beautiful. You bring the best out of anyone always have and will. You are sunshine.

