Weeklyl Monday newsis back! Took me a few extra days to get
into the rhythm 2017. I started a study that is blowing my mind. It is exactly
where I am at. Needing hope,word of movingyour family,words of death and
noreasons for why, just utter trust in the Lord. (ps my typing and hadwriting
have become atrocious, another lovely gift frombrain tumors. I think I habehad
a coulf of sizezures this weekbut we are ontop of ‘’the feeling” now.
Today we drove 40 mintues ti a aoointment that did not
exist. But chick fik a and starbucks madeit allbetter! Wehave a serious liver
biopsy Thursday (pray for no infection and good results whatever that is since
we know its cancer lol.
Wedensday ig= geet inused with bone healing drug whichwipe
me out, on top of starting xeloda. Should be a quiet week.
Snow brought some smiles and blessing, some ritualistic
sister fighting, and some continual learnig of the meaning of life, but id
overall give theweekend a 7. That’s huge on a scale of1-10 with a 9 year od 2
hour meltdawn.(probably because I removed myself from that one.
Continued prayers ofr tests andgood news a path to healing
andconfirmation we are doing the right things. I don’t know the future,but I do
fear it some. Just remembering to take life day by day, step bystep,
remembering that I can look back at however this turns out and say to myself,”wow, that was why I had
to suffer that journey,” Until then, I will endure.
(unedited) goodllck lol
tumor marker dropped! 227 to 130 PTL
ALT and /ast liver marker dropped!! 2 points from normal!!!
<3 lots of love
Lots of love to you all, my sweets... xoxoxoxo