Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I'm such an ASSUMER!

Today marks two weeks since a few of us started “A Woman who Doesn’t Quit.” I was in a pretty fowl place at the time. Losing hope from doctors, heading back to California for one last try. The thing is, Im not sure one last try is something real. I’ve realized through this book that I am not a quitter but had gotten very bitter. Thankfully God reminded me of who I was and where I was going. I needed to best guard my heart with the Word of God.

I got hit with a lot of assumptions and realized had just kept my mouth closed so much of the stress and research, waiting on labs, would’ve been 10 times easier.

For those who know me well I am just a planner. I like to know my options and have spent hours at looking at worst case, apartments and guest homes, to what in the world do I do with my kids? Eighth grade is so important and she is doing so well, I would hate to mess up her 9th grade year with cheer and other academic tracts. See, all assumptions!

This study has brought peace. In some crazy way we are all suffering some loss or weathering a nasty storm, but you will get through it. One day you’ll find that hope and grace you so desperately need. I cannot stop picturing the Field of Hope. It gets more detailed the more I see it. The path is straight.

“Trust the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 My Field of Hope holds the straightest path I have ever seen. Most of my paths look like bike trails, rough, bumpy, do I go left or right? This time go straight. Go straight Nadine.

Now I just rest and wait. The report of my Spine MRI says many more lesions but it was compared to one almost a year ago. So bizarre. Good news was my spine showed no evidence of LM. I was like “AWESOME!” and I’m sure Shelly thinks I have a screw loose. ‘Okayyy. But there are more lesions” Ya I expected that. hehe. Still no biopsy results, very unlike Northside, unless they only went to Caris then it'll be another 2 weeks.

Skip and I leave Monday for California and remeet with Dr. Kesari (Dr. K). He supposedly has a few things up his sleeve, and will let us know how long we should expect to be there. Then we can adjust so may assumptions into fact or toss it, 'never needed that!'

Prayers appreciated. Definite update Tuesday. If I’ve been insensitive, forgive me and my bitterness, I know I’ve been a pill, trying so hard and do appreciate the support from our friends and family.

 Until then peace be with you all.

Never too big to play in a box. Smiles. 


  1. Never apologize to us, you are the strongest warrior I know, we'll keep praying and as you said we wish you the stratest path on your journey

  2. Which one is in the box - the other day both were, lol
    No apologies needed - I'm sure all understand.
    Praying for the miracle comes in California.
    ❤you bunches😊

  3. Praying always, thinking about your family all of the time. Still begging for God to provide the miracle we are all waiting for. 😘
