Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Weekly Monday News on Wednesday

(I wrote this last night before my computer died.)

I cannot figure out what day is what so, I’m a day late on delivering the Weekly Monday News. Which ends up being a good thing, because really, we got news today.

Today I had my third infusion of Xometa. If I have any side effects (aka pseudo-flu) they’ll be tomorrow or the next day. My numbers are still hanging tight and besides my fluid filled sinuses, I’m not too bad off. Just really tired.

Dr. Kesari from California requested I come out after my next dose of chemo and scans. That falls in late June and it just so happens we will be along our journey west. So we have a decision to lengthen it and do treatment and scans in LA or wait until we get back, move everything out a week and fly back to LA the first week in July. I’m suspecting that they’ve obtained Opdivo and have some other genetic profiling markers that came in. I got a big booklet on Caris, so I’m excited to see what they’ve discovered about me!

Really the decision is not ours, we will do whatever works better for the doctors, though if we DO end up doing treatment in LA, we found a fun RV Park in Malibu on the water 30 minutes from the doctor. That could be fun right!?

Skip is all better, probably the fastest Shingles recovery on the planet. Alana my lil hypochondriac is well. I’m on a new round of antibiotics.

So there you have it! The life of a Wall. Thanks for those who jumped in last minute and helped out as we forgot we even had an appointment today!
Thank you for all the amazing support. It’s been a really rough May and we look forward to having some fun this June!

Hugs… so adding today’s post

Today if my eyes were okay I’d be doing really well! I think starting out with a week long craving of Cracker Barrel and friends helped tremendously. After stuffing my face we gathered up a few peeps and sat in my favorite shady pine island at the pool. The kids had a great time and mommy got some good mommy-friend time while kicking my feet up. It was definitely hot, but totally worth it. I love the heat anyway!
We are all having chill time and hope to watch the last Harry Potter tonight!!! I’m going to be really sad and may need to throw a Harry Potter party. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our HP movie nights! Tomorrow I hope to have no side effects as we are going to paint some pottery! I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and it sounded fun for a rainy day. Will try to keep this up, but remember I’ve got two people to entertain now daily and I love it.



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