Thursday, June 16, 2016

Amarillo! Made it!

Is it day three? No one should tell Skip, but he has driven 24 hours in 3 days and we aren’t there yet! The Yukon just does not love towing this camper and we are running on average about 50-55. We are currently in Amarillo on Route 66. We have seen so many cool things today which helped make the 9 hour trek a little easier.

I was super bummed when Madison called out punch buggies realizing she saw the VW graveyard! She also won as that was an instant 100 points if not more but it was on my list of places to swing by. Oh well! I’ll get back to cool stops tomorrow.

We did become instantly obsessed with wind turbines. They were simply beautiful. I could’ve just sat there and watched them spin for hours. You could see them for probably states away.

We had our daily Starbucks run, had to stop at a sketchy McDonalds when we ran out of junk to eat, navigated some insane roads and gas stations again and finally made it to our campground. When we got here, it was just after hours and Skip asks, “are you sure this is the place?” Um, YES! Thankfully the owners were still around, we got things worked out though they were completely sold out.

So we basically, are not in a spot and they blocked the road for us. It was kind if wild getting in and we had to unhook, but Skip needed to get gas and water anyway. So we hung out, ate more food and chilled for the night. It is breezy, cool, and we just sat out under the moonlight listening and singing to Madison playing the guitar. Skip got some fun time exposure pictures and now we rest.

OH GOODNESS! I totally forgot! This morning was the morning I got my tumor markers. I looked at Skip and said ready for tumor marker results? He gave me “that look” I closed my eyes, hit log in and there they were! SEVENTY! It was 100 before so a 30% drop in 5 weeks! That is SO awesome!! We celebrated and made pancakes making it the first time we’ve cooked on the stove!

Every day is something new. The girls are learning to communicate with one another slightly better, and Jax monkey has been a little angel. Now I have to close my eyes as they are shot from being out in the dark. The contrast lights give has gotten worse and hurts to look at anything, especially LED or neon.

Rest it is. Tomorrow is a “short” day with a couple of picture stops and then the day I’ve been waiting for… drumroll… FINDING DORY! I know you probably think I’m looney, and I am, but this is SUPER important to me. About as important as getting to the grand canyon.

Thank you again for the amzing thoughts prayers and messages, #teamnadine is awesome and I cannot thank you all enough!


  1. So exciting! Celebrating every victory, and such a dramatic drop in tumor markers is a huge reason to celebrate! Prayers for you all always.

  2. I love your blog Nadine! I am 100% #teamnadine !!!

    PS - I LOVE Skip's shirt :-)
