Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lifted High by my Warriors

And its funny, because last night, after being pumped with 6 different insane types of drugs, I felt fabulous. I jokingly posted a picture of my ham that I “slaved over all day” on facebook, okay it cooked itself, but I finished up that meal with mac n cheese and some frozen veggies. Skip rode to try to get healthy, we ate, and all watched Harry Potter 4 together. I was a mess. Why is it NOW that I have to feel so good? Is this what is to come? Because that would be fabulous! But instead I near cried myself to sleep. I was so frustrated with the ups and downs and emotional roller coaster God had me on! I bawled through our prayers, talked to Skip and slept hard. I mean HARD. I woke up at 8 like, “Madison has her physical in 30 minutes! AH!” Skip took her which was weird for me too, but I lay calm around here because today we’ve planned to go all out. We pulled all the kids from school and me, mom and ash are heading to the zoo. I love the zoo and much more I love these lil girls! So, off I go to have a fantastic up day… I can. I can. I can. I will. I will. I will.

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