Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekly Monday News

Hi there. Just woke up from a rotten night sleep. 5AM to 10AM. 

TMI factor approaching. No bowel happiness since last Thursday's dose. All seems to be hanging out in my small intestines. So not cool. 

My head decided to go into full pain mode in the middle of night. Finally Tylenol and Xnanax knocked me out long enough but still woke up with the beast. My hot bath didn't work nor my Frankinsence. 

Meeting up with Dr Dunbar as a follow up at noon. I've given my team completely to God so pray today they are being led by Gods wisdom, word and hands. We need our medical team to be guided by the Spirit. 

I've been slowly felt to go take a follow up visit to MDA so please pray for timing. 

Kids went back to school and I slept through it. Breaks my heart. 

All along. The first thing I'm grateful for is another day. Off I go!!! :) xoxo


  1. Praying for you and your miracle team today. (and some poop ;o) )

  2. Praying for wisdom for your team of doctors, and relief from the pain, and ultimately healing.
