Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today's Doc Visit - Tumor Marker went up

Wanted to update the group on how today went! Thank you for prayers!! 

This is the current plan, message me for questions:
7-10 days of high dose anti-inflammatory medicine and muscle relaxers. No walking except for around the house. Rest and chill out. Then we will repeat Tumor marker on March 7. If increases will do PET earlier than planned. 

Reason: the MRI showed bursitis, degenerative bone disease and lots of inflammation in pelvic area and bones. Actually may not be due to cancer, but could be due to medications, age, changes in exercise or other underlying issues. Only weird thing is that the MRI shows no enlarged nodes in groin, but it's swollen. May also be due to extreme bowel changes from Depocyte treatment. 

Hoping the 7-10 clears the pain in leg as well, if not will X-ray for possible stress fracture or other stuff.

Other plans: MRI of brain before March 7. Hope is that tumors have shrunk and or disappeared with Depocyte. If not we regroup and likely would go to plan B.

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