Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Two more opinions and in less than 24 hours. Phew! That was a journey!! Now we have a multi doctor conclusion on how to continue treating this and killing it so I can see my babies graduate. The odds are not looking good scientifically but we know our God is bigger than odds. So.

The MRI didn't look good. One doctor always refers to bad news with preceding it with "if I were your sister..." I have swelling where we did SRA. We are tackling that with baby steroids and another round of 14 days on and 7 days off chemo. I have several new tumors in my brain and cerebellum area all tiny ranging from 2-5 mm. For now we hope that the timing was not enough to have a scan before Xeloda could work. We will be taking a closer look at my counts, markers and vitamins. She took enough blood today to fill a milk jug, okay maybe a coke bottle but just seeing it made me feel yuck.

I still have sores, a sore throat, no fever, and a rash that appears to be going away. They’ve upped my Keppra to help with the seizures and learned that I’m likely having focal seizures! Love when we learn something new!

We had a good day. I only cried once and that was when I gave Arion her cheese-it gift, and realized in the very room she started this journey as a killer awesome nurse and friend by my side. Gave Troy a gift and shocking, he had one for me, unicorn Christmas cards!!! Stop it, love my ACC family, Cumming and Tower. The funny part was that I got all the chemo nurses to go up to Skip and tell him happy 40th Birthday. Hehe. I think he will adjust soon!

So recap:
Pet scan from Nov. 21 worse liver and bones mets
MRI brain from yesterday had swelling around the radiated spot with clustering and several new tumors, tiny.
We will continue Xeloda 14 days on 7 days on unless side effects become unmanageable.
Upping seizure meds and adding baby dose of prednisone.
Not pretty, but I’m a woman who doesn’t quit.