Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Puff the Magic Dragon Lives in my Eyes

Well, today has been interesting for sure! I woke up and could barely open my eyes to get to the bathroom. I look at Skip, “Are my eyes swollen?” I’m pretty sure he made some dreadful sound and I didn’t even want to look. I took a few pictures and sent them about. I got an appointment with my opthomologist – well, her recommendation because I couldn’t see her until Friday – at 2:30 today.

In the meantime, I’m racking my brain trying to figure out the correlation to everything. I emailed a picture to my oncologist and I received a call a few minutes ago that everyone agrees its fluid retention from the 1500+ cc’s of fluid I received yesterday. Which thank God I did because I woke up dry as a desert! Complete cotton mouth!! So I wasn’t sure why this conclusion makes a whole lot of sense and began a photo hunt since I photo-doc my life, and none of it makes sense. It randomly is worse some days than others and comes and goes as it pleases. It is SO weird. Regardless, I’ll still see Dr. Somebody today to look at it. I mean, I am the really weird one who gets weird things, right?!! Couldn’t hurt to take a look.

I scared my dad with this text this morning and couldn't stop laughing! Omg it's still so funny!

Other than that, I feel pretty good. Better on chemo that I did off of it last week! HAHA! That’s the prednisone talking, I know the crash will hit Thursday or Friday and that’s a load of fun I just can’t wait to invite you all to! See, I found my sense of humor too!

I’ve gotten an awesome amount of unicorn stuff and pretty much take some part of it with me wherever I go every day. It reminds me to free my mind and let go of some of the really hard things. I’m feeling a little stronger today as well, so that’s a plus. Yay for not needing to sleep since I’ve woke up today! That in itself is huge!

So I’ll update after I go to eye doctor – what him say its an allergic reaction. Then we are screwed because weeding out the culprit from my meds and vitamins and IV meds may be a wee little bit of a challenge. Until then, happy Wednesday!

With love,
Lavender Velvet Cheeks (you’ll only know what that means if you read yesterday’s blog)

UPDATE: My eyes look amazing, a little dry. Perfectly perfect otherwise and probably allergic to something... I used to be allergic to everything, even CHOCOLATE most of my life. Funny, I ate a quarter of a bar of chocolate last night... I wonder if that is the correlation... better not be. Going to start on Zyrtec and hopefully fix whatever this is along with my antibiotics. Fun times baby!

This is just my photo logging and trying to figure out some connection.
On 4/27 I got Xometa chemo and cytology taken from my Ommaya. (All is well)
On 5/3 the day before death feeling and eye puffy started I went to Ellijay and played in the pond… I remember touching my eye and thinking stupid.
On 5/4 my eye looked nasty when I woke up. Maybe an issue that I touched my eye?
This is about when I started feeling really sick as well though, and on 5/5 got fluids after the MRI and started a round of antibiotics. It seemed to help a little until that following Sunday 5/8 when I woke up with it swollen again.
I started my steroid 50-50-50 that morning.
On that Tuesday I was supposed to do chemo, but skipped it due to horrid fatigue, whatever is in my face, and a low grade off and on fever. We did a ton of bloodwork and nothing showed up and we continued with additional antibiotic.
I woke up Sunday morning 5/15, swollen eyes and still so much fatigue so Monday 5/16 I went to see one of my Dr. Daddies first thing, and he put me on a stronger antibiotic, plus I started 50-50-50 prednisone again.
I notice the pain behind my ears and up my neck was gone for the first time since radiation, so that is awesome sauce. I think it even helped with the nausea, something did!
I was approved for chemo 5/17 and got a butt ton of fluids, which I beg for because this stuff dries me up.
5/18 worst swelling of my eyes yet.

1 comment:

  1. xoxooxoxoxoxoxo You are beautiful, still! Love you and praying the swelling goes down! (cute as a button!)
