Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Summer!

YIt's been an interesting few days with us all sick in our own crazy ways but we are making it through. I think I need to get back on antibiotics because this eye thing is not getting better with allergy medicine. I can barely open my eyes.

The last day of school was yesterday and I made it! In January after finding out the brain mets went wild, we cried with the kids trying to explain mommy might not make it to the end of the school year and was why we needed to pull them out of school for a while. And looky here, one day into summer! It's a miracle really. This entire journey is.

Last day morning selfies!

Thanks for continuing to cheer us on! Happy summer vacation!!!


  1. Love you sweetie.. You are beautiful! xoxoxoxo You are here! Thank you God!

  2. Go Nadine! We are all cheering for you in NY!!!

  3. Go Nadine! We are all cheering for you in NY!!!
