Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Two Week Anniversary!

Yes it has been two weeks! Yesterday I went in for another check up and the doctor was not happy with how slow my body seemed to be absorbing the fluids, so he left the drains in and wrapped me. At first it felt loose and I kind of liked the support. Oh, and picture a giant ace bandage. He also signed me up for physical therapy which we will start next week sometime. After the appointment we did lunch, watched a movie, took a mile walk with the kids and dog, and came home. And then out of nowhere began the pain on the left boob. We took off the bandage. No relief. Pain meds, no relief. It took about 3 hours and falling asleep to get past it. I was really concerned about sleeping and slept 7 hours straight! Proves I truly do not need to worry, I know this! He took me off one antibiotic and that was the 3 am one! So that was cool. I took a muscle relaxer, climbed back in bed and slept until 9:30. It takes me forever to get ready so around 11 I was done, right about the time the kids headed off to a friends house for the day. It was so so needed. The quiet that is. The bickering has truly stressed both skip and I to our limits and to the point I think it's halting my progress. Hopefully, today was a good change of scenery and they can come home peacefully. (Never mind, I already hear skips voice and its not pretty. Lol) Anyway, I head back to the doctor Friday to get drains two and four out. That will be nice.

I wore make up and a dress!! I folded laundry (that was too much). I started working today and never once got queezy.

Off I go. Enjoying the sounds on the back patio as the sun sets. Lots of birds, bats, and last night even a screech owl... Pretty.

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