Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I've been on vaca and forgot to write 'til now!

Yesterday made me more nervous than I expected. I had to sign a bagillion papers - basically, here's what we're doing, do you consent, and will you pay us if your insurance doesn't. That's really all they need to say... It would be much simpler and save a lot of paper! I went in an met with the nurse and secretary. Dr. Namnoum saw me, stopped in and was just sweet as ever. It triple confirmed he is the one for me! I was certain there wasn't another patient in there ;)

So I took the opportunity to ask about mountain biking... they looked at me like I was crazy. "like in the dirt?" Yes. I'm a little insane, but how long? Like two years??! They said no, no. One?? And I got the side-to-side-give-or-take nod. Boo. Well, I guess it's like getting pregnant again? Ya, okay, we'll go with that - it's much more pleasant. Guess I'll be on the road - maybe I could even ride Charlotte booty!? Is that too much of a stretch?... Probably, but a goal of October wouldn't be!

They explained the bandages, and drains (EEEEEEK) there's four of them and I will be pro at emptying them? Oh geez. They don't know my unreal fear of drains... Got about 10 medications I have to fill. There was a lot I don't even remember! Thankfully they copied a sheet and gave it to me as afternoon reading material. he he.

So tomorrow is the genetic testing appointment! FINALLY. The insurance was a pain and it got delayed but I'm sure for a good reason, right?! 9:00 and I'm really quite excited. I think it will be negative, but if not, it opens a whole new world of what-could-be-next. I really am excited... it's bizarre.

So today is apparently a week from surgery. 7 days left for summer fun! Today we did... nothing! lol. Madison had a friend over and we bought father's day gifts since I may not be home. Maybe I will go for a bike ride and then spoil the girls tonight. Sounds good to me! Off to find a sitter... until tomorrow! Peace...

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