Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Recovery and Benadryl

I was able to talk to the nurse yesterday in hopes of finding out what my recovery time would look like. Mostly, it depends on the individual but she gave me some stats as a baseline - some people do better, some take longer. 
2-4 days in hospital.
2 weeks of seriously uncomfortable, with lots of sleep, muscle relaxers and narcotics. 
Must have someone to take care of me, and then someone to take care of kids. 
4 Weeks until super light lower body exercise (walk or spin), driving. No bouncing or upper body.
The conversation was much, much longer, but that's basically the gist! Said the back pain is probably the worst part where they remove the muscle. So this will be "easy-peasy lemon-squeezy" as Lana would say!

On another note, today I had a CT as I've had some stomach pain. Doctor decided to be cautious considering my current situation. I've probably had 8-10 scans with contrast, but today I was blessed with an allergic reaction to it. Oh yes. It was joyful. Instant vomit and hives. After the shock of it I started laughing... only me. They let me go after I proved I could breathe and headed to grab some Benadryl, just in case. 

Now I'm a sleepy mess and my stomach is in knots, but overall, okay! 
Results tomorrow... Until then. note to self: No contrast.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Really!!

    Poor kid, you get no breaks at all!!

    I wonder what's in those "Contrast" dye formulas.

    xoxo Daddy!
