Friday, April 26, 2013

The Diagnosis

The phone didn't leave my side. I waited so patiently, jumping at every call. I finally left the office and headed home. As I approached the Sixes exit I thought, huh, I should just go into Northside and I should see if they have the results. They had me wait - they had been checking all morning. Then I was called back. She said they had literally JUST had them faxed over. They led me into the "consult" room. Dr. Whitney sat down in the chair beside me with deep eyes and silence. I said, "don't look at me like that." and she started, "It's bad." I wasn't sure what that meant other than I once again had cancer. We talked and I remember texting Skip, "get Alana now. It's bad Skip. It's cancer". The biopsy showed that it was Infiltratory Mammory carcinoma, Level 3, with lobular and ductal features, with nesting and branching. The good news, she says, is that it's very very small, but this needs to be hit hard and fast. The next step would be to call doctors and set up an MRI. The ladies that had seen me through that entire week were all together in the hallway and hugged me. I will never forget them...sweethearts.

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