Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Another story I was very hesitant to share at first, was about an anonymous letter Skip received at the end of a plane flight. After four hours of flying we stood and waited our turn to get off. A women slid by Skip, handed him an envelope and off she went, never to be seen again. 

When he peaked inside the top said "you may need to use google translator. This is what it read:

Oh, I didn't mention it was actually in Portuguese?! Take a deep breath because this is what it said. I'm so ready for that kind of healing. I watch the bubbles in my baths and am reminded daily of this note. It has helped me believe the miracle, though it was a while ago will happen in Gods time:

"During the flight, your friend received blessings from heaven. A curtain of white lights was over her the entire time during the flight. At the beginning, dark gray bubbles left many parts of her body, cleaning the affected organs, especially the brain , bone marrow, liver, kidneys and knees. Then, a sparkling white light filled the parts that lost the diseased matter with “health”. The body is recovering her immunity. She may feel healthy, something very good happened in her system during the flight .

I suggest reading the book Healing Quantum  - Deepak Chopra!
God bless you !"

I had decided not to show it until after my scans and then again decided not to share. But now I will. I cannot explain it but how many times have you heard of someone doing that?? On a plane. 

Beauty and love. She saw a vision. 

God I am open armed ready to 
accept whatever it is you have planned for me. No opposition. No stress. Please help me receive this miracle. People ask where they are, that Jesus "did" all these miracles, right. Well look, something is going on, right now, right here, in this time. God is so real. I wouldn't be here to tell you if it weren't so...


  1. Nadine, this gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. I pray every day that you get the miracle you so desperately want and need. And, I truly believe that God is going to grant that miracle.



  2. Wow, how incredible to get that from a total stranger....seriously, God is working and its great when He gives us these glimpses into His plans for us. Praying for you tonight.
