Monday, August 12, 2013

Dodging the Sickies

This weekend I felt continually better. Until dinner Saturday night, when I just crashed from literally going all day long. Something I did do this weekend, was get on a bike!! It was an incredible feeling... I just have so much "happy" on my bike. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I really hope I can get cleared to ride the Greenway! I'd love to try before the next round of chemo! I did get in a 20 minute walk with Madison last night and we made a trip to Ellijay to check on things... overall, a wonderful weekend. 

Today we've been faced with our first sick challenge. Alana spiked a fever last night and has a pretty nasty sore throat. I had heard there was a virus going around, so thank God I talked to Jen today. She was telling me how her daughter had strep, the ONLY reason I made an appointment today. We went in and the doctor gasped! lol. There were two nasty looking pus balls on her throat. Bigger than any I have EVER seen. So the obvious is here - the concern of what happens if I get strep throat.

I called Emory and they asked me to get a strep test ASAP. Unfortunately I've been exposed and she is contagious for another 20 hours. If I do however come down with symptoms, off to Emory I go. So we are hoping I can stay germ free, even with a compromised immune system...

I've started getting itchy scalp but I haven't seen any hair fall out yet. Or nothing more than the norm. I had a dream I was pulling it out in clumps, it was long again, and it was kinda gross. I like dreams to know how I'm going to react. Before the mastectomy i had a dream and when I saw the end results, I was okay! and in my dream the cupcakes weren't near as pretty! hah!

Tonight a friend and I chatted about a really neat thing he wants to do as a fund raiser, Sock it to Cancer 24HOB. It is going to make me cry... so I'll write more when the links come out. But know it's so me, and so cool. :)

Good night! Gotta get sick child one and runny nose two off to bed... then it's off to doctor visits in the morning!


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