Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oncology Visit and More...

It's been a few days, maybe longer since I've blogged! I have a lot to write actually...

Lots of firsts: I drove, twice. First time was a little tight and I stayed in the hood. Tonight I ventured to the grocery and felt awesome. I went to the Y and was able to get on the spin bike. I submerdged into the lazy river pool, wonderful. I took my first bath today. I've had several moments doing things and having a "normal" feeling. Doing my scissor arm stretches I touched the floor. I made a bed. I cooked dinner a few times. Lots and lots! It's really nice to feel like we're returning to some normalcy. Even though I know it's not going to last long, it feels refreshing and its keeping me really positive.

I went back to Dr. Namnoum Tuesday and he removed fluid from the right side only. I actually got a great picture of the needle. It's huge. Tomorrow I get my first cupcake filling and we will ask about new expected dates for the rest of reconstruction. It gets put off with chemo, but praying we can keep a surgery date before dec 31 as we would hate to start the deduct ales over.

Today was our trip to Emory. We were expecting I'd have to do chemo, I am, and we got the time line. I will start treatment August 1. I will do four treatments three weeks apart. Aug 1, Aug 22, Sep 12, and the last dose Oct 3. (Two days before booty!!! I thought that was pretty special) We have lots of research but the drug combo will be taxotere and cytoxan. Yes, hair loss is expected, but it's all good. So thankful that it seems to be a quick deal and we will pray everything gets to stay on schedule, and most of all it makes certain this disease never comes back.

I saw a friend at Emory today, she was seeing the same doctor. It was one of those God moments - totally made my day. She's a super rock star and has encouraged me more tha she knows. Very thankful for her!

Off to bed I go. This may have been the longest day ever. I'm so sleepy. Love to all of you and don't hesitate to call, text, email or Facebook! I love keeping in touch with everyone!


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